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Enron Mail |
---------------------- Forwarded by Lola Willis/Corp/Enron on 12/04/2000
11:46 AM --------------------------- "Atkins, Debra (Treasurer's Office)" <debra_atkins@itc.co.harris.tx.us< on 12/04/2000 10:38:15 AM To: "Conerly, Edith (County Attorney)" <edith_conerly@itc.co.harris.tx.us<, "Milligan, Lolitha (HCSO)" <lolitha_milligan@itc.co.harris.tx.us<, "'jtatum@angelo.edu'" <jtatum@angelo.edu<, "'star0619@email.com'" <star0619@email.com<, "'JBrunson@DePelchin.org'" <JBrunson@DePelchin.org<, "'kays@ev1.net'" <kays@ev1.net<, "'iceman300@worldnet.att.net'" <iceman300@worldnet.att.net<, "'lwc@mailcity.com'" <lwc@mailcity.com<, "'sis1cathy@aol.com'" <sis1cathy@aol.com<, "'marge281@aol.com'" <marge281@aol.com<, "'lwillis@enron.com'" <lwillis@enron.com<, "'ctaylor@mail.mdanderson.org'" <ctaylor@mail.mdanderson.org<, "'phillip.atkins@chron.com'" <phillip.atkins@chron.com<, "'mamadfaye@hotmail.com'" <mamadfaye@hotmail.com<, "'JWILLIAMS@PREMIERSAFEGUARD.COM'" <JWILLIAMS@PREMIERSAFEGUARD.COM<, "'mcclelland4@hotmail.com'" <mcclelland4@hotmail.com<, "'edwardsr_50@yahoo.com'" <edwardsr_50@yahoo.com<, "'HEARTZS@CS.COM'" <HEARTZS@CS.COM<, "'JUSLEWIS@email.msn.com'" <JUSLEWIS@email.msn.com<, "'UBaltimore@rtcnet.com'" <UBaltimore@rtcnet.com<, "'NOYZLABS@YAHOO.COM'" <NOYZLABS@YAHOO.COM<, "'nakita93@earthlink.net'" <nakita93@earthlink.net<, "'JCAA@SWBELL.NET'" <JCAA@SWBELL.NET< cc: Subject: FW: Food for thought, be careful of your presumptions! < -----Original Message----- < From: Baldwin, Ollie (Treasurer's Office) < Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 10:28 AM < To: Atkins, Debra (Treasurer's Office) < Subject: FW: Food for thought, be careful of your presumptions! < < < < -----Original Message----- < From: Patricia S. Baldwin [SMTP:baldwinpat@stic.net] < Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 12:30 PM < To: Alvin "Cloud" Baldwin; Ollie Baldwin; Maryland Mitchell; Mary < Robinson; Mary Hollis; Lynda Simpson (Home); Letty Tobias; Kim Coaxum; < Julia Artimesha Faye Davenport Varner; James Baldwin; Jacqueline Cleghorn; < Doris W. Shaw; Deborah Shaw-Boatner; Christina Chapman; Bill & Janet < Weeper; Ann & Puddin' Mitchell < Subject: FW: Food for thought, be careful of your presumptions! < < TWO ETHICAL QUESTIONS: < < QUESTION 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, < three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she < had < syphilis, would you recommend that she had an abortion? < < Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of this one. < < < QUESTION 2: It is time to elect the world leader, and your vote counts. < Here < are the facts about the three leading candidates: < < Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, communists and known < gangsters, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses; one < was < his private secretary that he also cheated on. He also chain smokes and < drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day, often starting before breakfast < < Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, smokes cigars, sleeps < until < noon, was a racist and a white supremacist and believed that no country < could ever be led by a non-white because Of their obvious Inferiority, < used < opium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening. < < Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero, vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks < an occasional beer and hasn't had any extramarital affairs. He is an avid < patron of the arts, a gifted writer and speaker and Great Britain's < backing < was instrumental to his early political success. He is An avowed < anticommunist. < < Which of these candidates would be your choice? Decide first, then scroll < down for the answer. < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < X < Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt < Candidate B is Winston Churchill < Candidate C is Adolph Hitler < < And by the way: < Answer to the abortion question: if you said yes, you just killed < Beethoven. < < < < Pretty interesting isn't it?...makes a person think before judging < someone.