Enron Mail

To:james.armstrong@enron.com, a..aune@enron.com, jacquelyn.azore@enron.com,tammy.barta@enron.com, pam.becton@enron.com, lisa.best@enron.com, toni.bustamante@enron.com, carol.carter@enron.com, larry.cash@enron.com, frank.cernosek@enron.com, nicole.cliff
Subject:CIDE 38621208 Checks paid and not expensed $49,534.32
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 07:42:43 -0700 (PDT)

The following checks were paid during the period of July thru November 2000 via Citibank Delaware 38621208.

Check Date Amount Vendor
1000000015 07-06-00 $ 615.00 State of Louisiana {0488-5000001972}
1000000016 07-06-00 $ 7,410.00 State of Louisiana {0488-5000001972}
9600006132 09-06-00 $ 3,408.34 Juniper Energy LP {0272-5000055624}
9600009589 10-18-00 $12,129.44 J B Hunt Logistics, Inc {054N-3000011796}
9600006096 09-06-00 $20,261.25 Compufund Mortgage Co LTD {0413-5000031592}
9600007204 09-18-00 $ 35.50 Sweet Retreat {0413-5000032389}
1000000839 10-06-00 $ 5.674.79 Noxtech Inc {0413-5000044872}

These checks were voided by A/P after printing; however, they were mailed to the respective Vendors and subsequently PAID.

I would appreciate if anyone could advise the following SAP account information, as required, in order that SAP Account 0530-10235055 Outflow Check Clearings can be offset to the appropriate expense.
Account Code
Cost Center
Profit Center
WBS Element

We would like to record the expense during November 2001 business.

Stacey Lee Burnett