Enron Mail

To:edith_l_wallace@reliantenergy.com, sumwil32@earthlink.net,armstronge@sw.metrocall.com, julia_c_hooey@reliantenergy.com, hill8314@aol.com, tony.sumbler@weatherford.com, victoniap@cda.co.harris.tx.us, prayerwarrior200@blackvoices.com
Subject:FW: GOD's Awesome Power
Date:Tue, 14 Aug 2001 07:38:11 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Katherine.Thomas@kvaerner.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 8:52 AM
To: thomas456@juno.com
Cc: editherica@aol.com; Davis, Dana; cashley@poha.com
Subject: GOD's Awesome Power

Well, sisters and brothers,

Once again I have been a witness to the awesome power of GOD.

Yesterday evening some of the members of MOP gathered to go over to the new
property to consecrate it before the Holy Ghost Fiesta on Saturday, August

In attendance were Minister Jackie, Evelyn Morris, Mother Jackson, Denise
Moore, Bonnie Abraham, Liz Booker, Yolanda, Claudette Montgomery, Betty
Nance, Grace Jackson, Jerry Johnson and me, Katherine Dailey.

Bonnie read scriptures from the bible (I think Hezekiah). We then anointed
our hands with oil and we proceeded to walk the property. We each took a
section and walked from one end (across from the apartments) to the other
(the next intersection). While walking we prayed, asking GOD to bind any
unclean spirits connected to the property and to loose his righteousness and
good will. It was quite a unique experience. I think we all felt his

The best part happened when we returned to the place where we started. We
had all made it back; except for Claduette and Yolanda and we were holding
hands praying. We heard a strange sound and we looked around and this woman
was coming up with Claudette and Yolanda and she was crying, praying and
speaking in tongues. She was perspiring profusely and had a look on her
face that was very unusual. She was actually running across the field almost
falling to her feet. She immediately grabbed hands with the circle and
started to pray with us. When she could speak she said that she was a
minister and happened to be walking along when the Spirit of GOD drew her to
the field. She said she had no choice but to be obedient because the Spirit
of GOD was so strong. She said that GOD was pleased with what we were doing
and that we would all be blessed for our obedience to his will! She also
said that she was head of a Ministry of women similar to MOP that meet on
Saturdays and after the meeting on this Saturday she will definitely come to
the Holy Ghost Fiesta!

Before we began I had asked GOD to give me a sign that he was pleased with
what we were doing. What more confirmation does one need?

ISN'T GOD JUST AWESOME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Sister in Christ