Enron Mail

Subject:You received a PassionUp Greeting Page!
Date:Thu, 8 Nov 2001 09:13:53 -0800 (PST)

<p<<a href="http://www.passionup.com/free.htm"<Click here for a FREE GIFT!</a<<BR<<br< To: Ms.Dana at Dana.Davis@enron.com<BR<
From: Khalid Naziruddin at hotboynaz@yahoo.com<BR<
You were sent a PassionUp greeting Page from Khalid Naziruddin<BR<
<A HREF="http://www.passionup.com/fun/fun390.htm?e=Dana%2eDavis%40enron%2ecom&f=hotboynaz%40yahoo%2ecom&confirm=1"<Click here to view your greeting page</A<<BR<
Note: If you cannot click the link above, cut-and-paste<BR<
the following link into your browser location bar:<BR<
http://www.passionup.com/fun/fun390.htm <br<
Shed those extra pounds and look great for the<br<
holidays! FREE FAT BURNER for weight loss.<br<
<a href="http://www.passionup.com/freediet.htm"<http://www.passionup.com/freediet.htm<;/a<<BR<
See our newest and best greeting cards at:<BR<
<A HREF="http://www.passionup.com/funnews.htm"<http://www.passionup.com/funnews.htm<;/A<<BR<
PassionUp.com--the home of fun pages, animated greeting cards,<BR<
fill-in-the-blank love letters, and love poems. <br<
This email came from computer: </p<