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---------------------- Forwarded by Lola Willis/Corp/Enron on 12/04/2000
07:56 AM --------------------------- Billye Bray <BILL481@excite.com< on 12/02/2000 09:46:57 AM To: kfmorris@ev1.net, sweetp@netropolis.net, lwillis@enron.com, astsanken@aol.com cc: Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: FW: ME] ----- Original Message ----- < Message-ID: <20001130191335.28818.qmail@web123.yahoomail.com< < Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:13:35 -0800 (PST) < From: Rick Starr <rickstarr2@yahoo.com< < Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: FW: ME] < To: Elandres Williams <johnnymae@msn.com<, < deb little <debby-little@reliantenergy.com<, < diane markey <dmarkey@yahoo.com<, margie miller <mlmiller98@yahoo.com<, < kim starr <kstarr@univ-wea.com<, Sue Starr <suestarr1@yahoo.com<, < Jackie lamar <jaclamar@excite.com<, < Karen Bradfield <karen_bradfield@hotmail.com<, < Billye Bray <bill481@excite.com< < < < < < --------------------------------- < Do You Yahoo!? < Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. < Message-ID: <3A2479F5.6A12@thegateway.net< < Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 21:37:25 -0600 < From: Shirley Dantzler <sddantzler@thegateway.net< < To: sue_hebert@yahoo.com, rickstarr2@yahoo.com, jskemp@juno.com, < dantzler1@juno.com, kstarr@univ-wea.com, < suzanne.d.reyes@usahq.unitedspacealliance.com < Subject: [Fwd: FW: ME] < < Message-ID: <B3C9002A3C8AD211A3BB00A0C9EBC1B701513EBC@exc1-na-ccy.bfusa.com< < From: "Mason, Teresa" <MasonTeresa@bfusa.com< < To: "Christie Cox (E-mail)" <Christie_Cox@NAVLMAIL.COM<, < "Brian Faith (E-mail)" <RDKFaith@juno.com<, < "Michelle Hawbaker (E-mail)" < <mhawbake@oakind.com<, < "Paulgunn (E-mail)" <paulgunn@juno.com<, < "Shirley Dantzler (E-mail)" <sddantzler@thegateway.net<, < "Tina Faith (E-mail)" <TROSENBU@harleysvillegroup.com<, < "Vickie Moore (E-mail)" <vickiem@mail.stionline.com< < Subject: FW: ME < Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 10:56:54 -0600 < < Subject: ME < < "The Willing Heart" < < Here is a true story about a nine-year-old boy who lived in a rural town < in Tennessee. His house was in a poor area of the community. A church < had a bus ministry that came knocking on his door one Saturday afternoon. < < The kid came to answer the door and greeted the bus pastor. The bus pastor < asked if his parents were home and the small boy told him that his parents < take off every weekend and leave him at home to take care of his little < brother. < < The bus pastor couldn't believe what the kid said and asked him to repeat < it. < The youngster gave the same answer and the bus pastor asked to come in and < talk with him. They went into the living room and sat down on an old < couch < with the foam and springs exposed. < < The bus pastor asked the kid, "Where do you go to church?" < < The young boy surprised the visitor by replying, "I've never been to church < < in my whole life." < < The bus pastor thought to himself about the fact that his church was less < than three miles from the child's house. "Are you sure you have never < been to church?" he asked again. < < "I sure haven't", came his answer. < < Then the bus pastor said, "Well, son, more important than going to < church, have you ever heard the greatest love story ever told? "And then he < < proceeded to share the Gospel with this little nine-year-old boy. < < The young lad's heart began to be tenderized and at the end of the bus < pastor's < story the bus pastor asked if the boy wanted to receive this free gift from < God. < The youngster exclaimed, "You Bet! < < The kid and the bus pastor got on their knees and the lad invited Jesus < into < his little heart and received the free gift of salvation. They both stood < up < and the bus pastor asked if he could pick the kid up for church the next < morning. < < Sure," the nine year old replied. < < The bus pastor got to the house early the next morning and found the lights < off. < He let himself in and snaked his way through the house and found the little < boy < asleep in his bed. He woke up the little boy and his brother and helped < get them < dressed. They got on the bus and ate a donut for breakfast on their way to < church. < Keep in mind that this boy had never been to church before. The church < was a real < big one. The little kid just sat there, clueless of what was going on. < < A few minutes into the service these tall unhappy guys walked down to the < front < and picked up some wooden plates. One of the men prayed and the kid with < utter < fascination watched them walk up and down the aisles. He still didn't know < what < was going on. < < All of a sudden like a bolt of lightning it hit the kid what was taking < place. < These people must be giving money to Jesus. He then reflected on the free < gift < of life he had received just twenty-four hours earlier. He immediately < searched < his pockets, front and back, and couldn't find a thing to give Jesus. < < By this time the offering plate was being passed down his aisle and with a < broken < heart he just grabbed the plate and held on to it. He finally let go and < watched < it pass on down the aisle. He turned around to see it passed down the < aisle < behind him. And then his eyes remained glued on the plate as it was < passed < back and forth, back and forth all the way to the rear of the sanctuary. < < Then he had an idea. This little nine-year-old boy, in front of God and < everybody, < got up out of his seat. He walked about eight rows back, grabbed the usher < by the < coat and asked to hold the plate one more time. Then he did the most < astounding < thing I have ever heard of. < < He took the plate, sat it on the carpeted church floor and stepped into the < center < of it. As he stood there, he lifted his little head up and said, "Jesus, < I don't < have anything to give you today, but just me. I give you me!" < < < _______________________________________________________ Tired of slow Internet? Get @Home Broadband Internet http://www.home.com/xinbox/signup.html