Enron Mail

Subject:iBuyit eProcurement Update #2 - Myth vs. Reality
Cc:ibuyit@enron.com, r..shepperd@enron.com, john.gillespie@enron.com,mark.hudgens@enron.com, raul.davila@enron.com, michael.desbiens@enron.com, jon.cashion@enron.com, sally.mcadams@enron.com, brian.schnauber@enron.com, sheila.howard@enron.com, randy.ri
Bcc:ibuyit@enron.com, r..shepperd@enron.com, john.gillespie@enron.com,mark.hudgens@enron.com, raul.davila@enron.com, michael.desbiens@enron.com, jon.cashion@enron.com, sally.mcadams@enron.com, brian.schnauber@enron.com, sheila.howard@enron.com, randy.ri
Date:Mon, 30 Jul 2001 16:31:50 -0700 (PDT)


As the number of shopping carts for IT hardware and office supplies increases, we continue to learn tips to share. Going forward, I will be your Enron Wholesale Services point of contact for questions and comments concerning eProcurement. These answers, as well as helpful tips, will be passed on to you through updates similar to the one below. This update focuses on delivery addresses and the eProcurement Catalog.

Delivery Addresses
Myth: eProcurement automatically knows where my requested items are to be delivered.
Reality: Without a delivery address and phone number, your order will be delayed. Before filling your shopping cart, click the "Default settings for items" button, accessible by clicking the triangle next to the cart icon in the lower left-hand side of the screen. Enter the complete delivery address and phone number under the "Delivery address" tab. Click the "?" and then "go" to locate ship to address rather than entering the address data.
Timesaving Tip: Updating My Settings from the main eProcurement screen eliminates the need to enter Building, Floor / Room, and Extension within the delivery address.

eProcurement Catalog
Myth: The eProcurement Catalog does not contain the office supply items I need to order.
Reality: The most frequently purchased office supply items from Corporate Express and Lee Stationery & Office Supply Co. are in the eProcurement Catalog.
Hard Copy Catalog Tip: If you are referencing the hard copy catalog while searching the eProcurement Catalog, please take note.
* For Corporate Express: Drop the first 3-alpha characters from the MFG #. For example, search for MFG # MMM2018 by entering 2018.
* For Lee Stationery & Office Supply Co.: Drop the first 3-alpha characters and remove any dashes from the Product No. For example, search for Product No. MMM 6539-YW by entering 6539YW.
Quick Search Tip: If you know the manufacturer part number, you can enter it in the Quick Search field under the Catalog's first tab.
Product Request Tip: If you searched the eProcurement Catalog and are unable to find the item, you may request the Catalog Team to add it. Use the Product Request feature from the Advanced Search screen to do so, and include your name and contact information in the Comments field. You may alternatively e-mail ibuyit.catalog@enron.com, or call Mark Hudgens at 713-345-6544.
Look up the Product Request Overview in the ISC Document library: <http://isc.enron.com/site/doclibrary/user/default.asp<;.
Navigate to iBuyit eProcurement < Requestor < Make a Product Request < Product Request Overview.

Need Training?
* Check out on-line eProcurement courses at no charge: <http://iscedcenter.enron.com<;
* Visit the ISC Document Library for Quick Reference Cards and other helpful training materials: <http://isc.enron.com/site/doclibrary/user/default.asp<;

* For help using eProcurement, contact Integrated Solutions Center Customer Care at 713-345-4727.
* For general information about iBuyit, send an e-mail to <mailto:ibuyit@enron.com<.

If you wish to have your name removed from this distribution list, please reply to this e-mail message.

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