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Enron Mail |
I appreciate all of the input I received in response to my email on the Drop to POLR issue. I have taken a few comments in mind in restructuring the text. I have not adjusted it much however, and there is a reason for this. The postcard which ERCOT mails out has a limit of 600 characters (spaces included) to use on either side of the card. So when comments came back I had to adjust the Drop to POLR language on a very limited basis, especially when you take into effect how the Spanish translation will be adjusted. What I have below is my proposal of how the English and Spanish translations should look on the postcard when mailed to the customer. The only language added to the post card is the text that is denoted between the double asterisks below (**). Right now the English stands at (503) characters, while the Spanish side stands at (593). I must offer a great deal of thanks to those who were helpful working on the Spanish translation, it was a very difficult standard to meet. This proposed language fully complies with ERCOT's requirement. I believe the language is simple yet explanatory enough to provide either English or Spanish speaking customer with enough information to make an informed judgement on this issue. This is the language I am proposing to RMS please keep all of the restrictions I had to work with in mind when sending me back comments on the added text below. Thanks, Kyle (English @ 503 Character Count) Dear Customer: This notice is to inform you that _____________, a Retail Electric Provider (REP), will no longer provide your electric service. Your new retail electric provider will be _____________, also known as a Provider of Last Resort (POLR). The effective date of the service by the POLR is scheduled to be mm/dd/ccyy . **You have the opportunity to choose another REP. If you choose to do so you must be successfully enrolled as a customer with that REP before the POLR effective date listed above.** (Spanish @ 593 Character Count) Estimado cliente: Por medio de la presente se le informa a usted que _____________, un proveedor de electricidad, no ser? su proveedor de electricidad. Su nuevo proveedor de electricidad ser? ______________,tambi?n conocido como un proveedor de ?ltimo recurso (POLR por sus siglas en ingl?s). La fecha programada para el inicio de servicio del POLR es el (date) de (month) de (year). **Usted tiene la oportunidad de elegir otro proveedor el?ctrico. Si usted elige hacerlo, debe ser registrado exitosamente como cliente con ese proveedor el?ctrico antes de la fecha efectiva del POLR arriba se?alada.**