Enron Mail

To:set@ercot.com, testplan@ercot.com
Subject:FW: Update on Dynegy's progress
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 04:43:53 -0700 (PDT)

I apologize that I did not include these listserves when I forwarded
this message last night. Please see the Dynegy update below. Thanks.

Nancy A. Hetrick
Enron Corp.
Director, Government Affairs
Phone: 712-366-3399
Pager: 888-912-1426

< -----Original Message-----
< From: "Hetrick, Nancy" <Nancy.Hetrick@ENRON.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 8:43 PM
< To: rms@ercot.com
< Subject: FW: Update on Dynegy's progress
< Please see update below. Thanks.
< Nancy A. Hetrick
< Enron Corp.
< Director, Government Affairs
< Phone: 712-366-3399
< Pager: 888-912-1426
< < -----Original Message-----
< < From: George Behr <GBehr@EnergyServicesGroup.net<@ENRON
< < Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 7:48 AM
< < To: Hetrick, Nancy
< < Cc: Brenda.P.Crockett@dynegy.com
< < Subject: FW: Update on Dynegy's progress
< <
< <
< < Nancy,
< < Brenda tried to send this to rms_etc but it did not go through. Can
< < you please route this to that list server? Thanks.
< < G
< < -----Original Message-----
< < From: Brenda.P.Crockett@dynegy.com
< < [mailto:Brenda.P.Crockett@dynegy.com
< < <<mailto:Brenda.P.Crockett@dynegy.com<< ]
< < Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 7:44 PM
< < To: Rms_etc@Ercot.com
< < Subject: Update on Dynegy's progress
< < In the following attachment, please find an update on the progress
< of
< < our request to the RMS on 10/10/01. Thank you all again for your
< < support with this issue.
< < (See attached file: RMSUpdate.doc)
< < Brenda Crockett
< < 713-507-6516
< <
< < - RMSUpdate.doc <<RMSUpdate.doc<<
< **********************************************************************
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< **********************************************************************
< - ~~DLNK0.URL <<~~DLNK0.URL<<
< - RMSUpdate.doc <<RMSUpdate.doc<<

- RMSUpdate.doc