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< At the TAC meeting in October, TAC formed the
< Protocol Implementation Work Group (PIWG). The < timeline for the work group's activities < included a milestone of ERCOT staff delivering a < summary of the Protocol/System gaps on November < 15th. This message is the delivery of that < summary. < < The Consortium conducted a reconciliation of the < November 1 Protocols to the system design. < ERCOT staff reviewed the reconciliation provided < by the Consortium. There were a number of < issues included in the reconciliation that are < still under review with the vendors. The < finalization of that review is being completed < as quickly as possible. Based on the decisions < during the review, there may be some more issues < that will need to be added to the Protocol < Implementation Plan (PIP). < < There were a number of issues that relate to < things that are in the November 1 Protocols that < are not in the current system design and will < not be available on June 1, 2001. ERCOT staff < worked very hard over the last few days to < prepare those issues to be sent to the PIWG for < review and criticality analysis. ERCOT staff < used the November 1 Protocols as a baseline. We < boxed the language that related to things that < would not be available and in effect on June 1, < 2001. The box includes a PIP Issue number, < explanation of the reason the Nov. 1 language is < in the box, and an explanation of the < restoration process for the November 1 language. < In the body of the Protocol document, we drafted < redline language which reflects what will be in < place on June 1, 2001. < < The attached files contain: < < (1) PIP Master List - This is a master list of < all the Protocol Implementation Plan (PIP) < issues that have been identified to date. It < contains an issue name, Protocol subsection < reference, summary of the issue, status, and < ERCOT author. < < (2) A file for each PIP issue which contains an < excerpt from the Nov. 1 Protocol reflecting the < boxes and redlined language. < < (3) Reconciliation documents for PIP issues < that the PIWG has already discussed. < < All of these issues will be discussed at PIWG < meetings. We will be working with Brad Jones, < PIWG Chair, to set up the meeting days and the < agenda for reviewing each of these issues. The < agenda will be published prior to the meetings < so that organizations have the opportunity to < identify the appropriate persons to attend. In < addition, ERCOT staff will be working with the < PIWG during the discussions of each issue. < < The PIWG has a lot to accomplish in a short < amount of time. ERCOT staff has prepared the < issues to help expedite the process and < contribute to the process. We look forward to < completing the PIP. < < Cheryl F. Moseley < Business Rules and Contracts Manager < ERCOT < 512/248-3880 < 512/750-8152 cell < 512/248-3886 fax < < < Please note: There will be a total of 10 < e-mails including this one in this message. <