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Enron Mail |
I also have a small tent that can be borrowed if "the silent one" emerges
from the depths of the legal system to join us on our quest for physical pain, inebriation, and large, uncontrollable fires. -----Original Message----- From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:DEbner@JPI.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:35 AM To: Scott Palmer; 'Luis Gasparini'; 'Clint.Dean@enron.com'; 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com' Subject: RE: This weekend Clint has spoken for the tent. < -----Original Message----- < From: Ebner, Daniel < Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:28 AM < To: 'Scott Palmer'; 'Luis Gasparini'; Clint.Dean@enron.com; < Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com < Subject: RE: This weekend < < Does everybody have a tent. I can bring an extra SMALL tent if needed? < < -----Original Message----- < From: Scott Palmer [SMTP:Scott.Palmer@exodus.net] < Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 8:24 AM < To: 'Luis Gasparini'; Ebner, Daniel; Clint.Dean@enron.com; < Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < I'm in for that. < < BTW - pack a change of warm clothes, and I'd suggest some kind of < light < nylon coat. It might drizzle that day. < < -----Original Message----- < From: Luis Gasparini [mailto:lgasparini@simpletel.com] < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 4:37 PM < To: Ebner, Daniel; Scott Palmer; Clint.Dean@enron.com; < Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < Do you guys want to go in on some New York Strip steaks? I can pick < up some < in bulk at Sam's and marinade them over night. There are usually 4 < eight to < ten ounce steaks per package for around $20. They are pretty good < quality. < < If we do it, should I get one or two packages? I'm thinking two < (unless < Scott is bringing Hunter, who we can BBQ instead). < < -----Original Message----- < From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:DEbner@JPI.com] < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 3:00 PM < To: 'Scott Palmer'; Ebner, Daniel; 'Clint.Dean@enron.com' < Cc: 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'; 'lgasparini@simpletel.com' < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < Sounds good to me. 5 o'clock. Just kidding. < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: Scott Palmer [SMTP:Scott.Palmer@exodus.net] < < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 3:02 PM < < To: 'Ebner, Daniel'; 'Clint.Dean@enron.com' < < Cc: 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'; 'lgasparini@simpletel.com' < < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < < < < So did we get a consensus on the time? < < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:DEbner@JPI.com] < < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 2:54 PM < < To: Scott Palmer; 'Clint.Dean@enron.com' < < Cc: 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'; 'lgasparini@simpletel.com' < < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < < < < I think I'd have a short position in camp fire wood. I see the < intrinsic < < value spiking upward (due to need for warmth) then crashing down < (as it < < turns to ash). < < < < However, I'm always long Beam. < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < < From: Scott Palmer [SMTP:Scott.Palmer@exodus.net] < < < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 2:47 PM < < < To: 'Clint.Dean@enron.com' < < < Cc: 'Ebner, Daniel'; 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'; < < < 'lgasparini@simpletel.com' < < < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < < < < < < < Not so fast, Clint.... for $4.50 you just get the wood, you < don't get an < < < option to kick the wood. < < < < < < I'm writing December Wood-kicking calls for $1, who's < buying....? < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < < From: Clint.Dean@enron.com [mailto:Clint.Dean@enron.com] < < < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 2:37 PM < < < To: Scott Palmer < < < Cc: 'Ebner, Daniel'; 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'; < < < 'lgasparini@simpletel.com' < < < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < < < < < < < < < < Wow, the wood I can kick!!! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < Scott Palmer <Scott.Palmer@exodus.net< on 12/11/2000 02:34:59 PM < < < < < < To: "'Ebner, Daniel'" <DEbner@JPI.com<, < "'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'" < < < <Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com<, "'Clint.Dean@enron.com'" < < < <Clint.Dean@enron.com<, "'lgasparini@simpletel.com'" < < < <lgasparini@simpletel.com< < < < cc: < < < < < < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < < < < < < < < < < All right - I did the unthinkable, and bought a "half-cord" of < wood. < < For < < < the uninitiated, a half-cord is a stack of roughly 18- to < 24-inch logs < < < that < < < is 8 feet long and 4 feet high. < < < < < < I'm going to bring about half of it camping, so we should have < quite the < < < fire. < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < < From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:DEbner@JPI.com] < < < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 1:55 PM < < < To: Scott Palmer; 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'; < 'Clint.Dean@enron.com'; < < < 'lgasparini@simpletel.com' < < < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < < < < < < < Richard, are you coming. You've been awful quite throughout < this. < < < < < < I think I can scrape together 500 pennies. < < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < < < From: Scott Palmer [SMTP:Scott.Palmer@exodus.net] < < < < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 12:50 PM < < < < To: 'Ebner, Daniel'; 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'; < < < 'Clint.Dean@enron.com'; < < < < 'lgasparini@simpletel.com' < < < < Subject: RE: This weekend < < < < < < < < < < < < OK, I can get some firewood. I assume we're going to need < quite a < < bit, < < < < since we tend to build a pretty big fire every year. < < < < < < < < Can I assume that I can get $5 from everybody to help cover < the cost < < of < < < < the < < < < wood? < < < < < < < < The place is easy, there's pretty much only one area to tent < camp. < < I'd < < < < say < < < < first ones there claim a good site. It's been getting dark < around < < 5:00 < < < < lately, so I'd say we need to get there before noon if we're < going to < < < get < < < < a < < < < decent ride in and be able to pitch tents before it gets dark. < < < < < < < < That'll mean an early morning for the Dallas guys.... sorry < bout that. < < < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < < < From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:DEbner@JPI.com] < < < < Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 11:48 AM < < < < To: Scott Palmer; 'Rdonoghue@mphlegal.com'; < 'Clint.Dean@enron.com'; < < < < 'lgasparini@simpletel.com' < < < < Subject: This weekend < < < < < < < < < < < < I did some looking for firewood around Coppell this weekend. < Short of < < < the < < < < crap you get from Albertson's that burns up in about 15 < minutes, I < < could < < < < not < < < < find any. This week, I've got something every night so I < can't shop < < for < < < < it. < < < < < < < < Can someone be in charge of getting firewood? It's usually < best to < < get < < < < from < < < < an actual firewood supplier that usually has trucks on the < side of the < < < < road. < < < < Nursuries sometimes have it also. We can split up the cost < later. < < < < < < < < I'm pretty much planning on showing up with my tent, sleeping < stuff, < < < food, < < < < Beam, bike, and lanterns. Is there anything else I need to < bring? < < < < < < < < Also, what time, and where in the park are we meeting? < < < < < <