Enron Mail

To:daniel.ebner@enron.com, devine'.'bryan@enron.com, koppa'.'chris@enron.com,summitt'.'chris@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com, dunlap'.'dallas@enron.com, scott'.'doug@enron.com, park'.'paul@enron.com, donoghue'.'richard@enron.com, jablonski'.'rob@enron.
Subject:RE: Fall 2001 Camping Trip
Date:Wed, 14 Nov 2001 06:50:13 -0800 (PST)

I'm impressed. I'm starting to get calls/emails asking if we are still on.
Usually you guys don't plan anything until one hour before. So, I
congratulate you all on this big step.

We are on for December 7 and 8.

In any event, this is the final list of people that are definitely coming.
We are at 15 counting the email list above plus two additional people that
Palmer is bringing. Paul Park's room-mate may be coming as well.

Remember to get directions for the website below before you head out. BTW,
the directions are pretty iffy. So, you will want to look at a map before
you get in your car. Also, cell phones don't work too well out there, so
don't try to rely on calling us once you get lost.

What to bring: Bedding is supplied. But we now have 15 people potentially
in on this thing. If memory serves, the house can sleep 15 and bedding
should be available. I think 5 people should plan on bringing the
just-in-case sleeping bag. I'll bring one. That leaves 4 others for you
all to decide. Bring all your booze and ice for the weekend and cups to
drink out of. It's next to impossible to find this stuff out there. You
also want to bring your baffroom stuff and warm clothes for drinking outside
at night. You will also want lighter (not summer) clothes for daytime
stuff. There's fishing/country golf/hiking available in the area. So,
bring what equipment you want to. Each car should bring a cooler with ice
in it. You also will want your food for the weekend. Bring what you want,
but popular meals are steaks at night and sandwiches during the day. I
specifically like to get steak blood all over my face and chase
vegetarian-Summitt around. Mostly, you shouldn't need to bring too much.

Cost: Plan on about $40 for the cabin per person. Plan on another $20 per
person for firewood. This has gone up because we're buying lots and towing
it down. Stupid...yes. Fun...yes. You may also want to have a little more
just-in-case cash.

When to arrive. The hills are pretty difficult driving at night, and if you
haven't ever been before, the cabin itself is difficult to find at night.
So, if at all possible, try to get a half-day off or so on Friday to get you
out there by sundown on Friday night. You may want to call the cabin office
and get specific directions before-hand regardless of what time you plan on
arriving. We will likely leave somewhat early on Sunday.

Palmer, can you bring lanterns, lantern fuel, etc. Clint/Koppa, can you
bring a case of Duraflam logs (yes, we cheat)? Summitt and I will be towing
the trailer down. Palmer, you may want to grab a little firewood that day
if we are running late.

I hope this answers everything. Let me know if it does not. Looking
forward to it.

Daniel Ebner
D/FW Region - JPI

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Ebner, Daniel
< Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 2:04 PM
< To: Ebner, Daniel; 'Bryan Devine'; 'Buddy Huffman'; 'Chris Koppa';
< 'Chris Summitt'; 'Clint Dean'; 'Dallas Dunlap'; 'Dave Peck'; 'Doug Scott';
< 'Matt Gildon'; 'Paul Park'; 'Richard Donoghue'; 'Rob Jablonski'; 'Scott
< Palmer'
< Cc: 'james.k.west.jr@us.pwcglobal.com'
< Subject: RE: Fall 2001 Camping Trip
< Okay, I have confirmation for 11 people. If I do not hear from Buddy,
< Dallas, or Gildon by Friday, I'm gonna assume they are not in.
< Otherwise, we have confirmations from:
< RDoug
< Paul Park
< Palmer
< Luis (friend of Palmer's)
< Justin - ditto
< Koppa
< Clint Dean
< Devine
< Donoho
< Scummitt
< me
< Since almost all of these people have come out before, I anticipate very
< little last minute flaking out.
< Clint Dean has said that Dallas and James West are in. If James West
< comes, I think I will fall out of my chair. Since I haven't heard
< directly from you Dallas, I'm assuming you're out.
< As we get closer, I'll send up a follow up email to those that are
< confirmed closer to Dec. 7.
< Daniel Ebner
< Acquisitions
< D/FW Region - JPI
< 972-556-6915
< mailto:DEbner@JPI.com
< http://www.jpi.com
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Ebner, Daniel
< Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 11:02 AM
< To: Ebner, Daniel; 'Bryan Devine'; 'Buddy Huffman'; 'Chris Koppa';
< 'Chris Summitt'; 'Clint Dean'; 'Dallas Dunlap'; 'Dave Peck'; 'Doug Scott';
< 'Matt Gildon'; 'Paul Park'; 'Richard Donoghue'; 'Rob Jablonski'; 'Scott
< Palmer'; 'Trey Stone'
< Subject: RE: Fall 2001 Camping Trip
< Okay, my calendar searching skills are sub-par. We will do it on December
< 7 and 8th. There is no Longhorn football that weekend.
< Everything else is the same.
< Email me back and let me know whether or not you are coming.
< Daniel Ebner
< D/FW Development - JPI
< 972-556-6915
< mailto:DEbner@JPI.com
< http://www.jpi.com
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Ebner, Daniel
< Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 10:28 AM
< To: Bryan Devine; Buddy Huffman; Chris Koppa; Chris Summitt; Clint Dean;
< Dallas Dunlap; Dave Peck; Doug Scott; Ebner, Daniel; Matt Gildon; Paul
< Park; Richard Donoghue; Rob Jablonski; Scott Palmer; Trey Stone
< Subject: Fall 2001 Camping Trip
< The time is upon us to schedule another guys camping trip. I'd like to
< acknowledge a few new entries to the distribution list:
< Devine
< Buddy
< Stone
< Gildon
< RDoug
< Peck
< Scott, I didn't have Luis's email address. Can you make sure he knows
< about this.
< For the newbies, we have been getting the guys together for a weekend
< cabin camping trip semi-annually for about 2 years now. We've found a
< cool place in the hill country about 2 hours from Austin. It's called Fox
< Fire Cabins - http://www.foxfirecabins.com/. Click on the Farm House link
< to see the spread. It's a huge house that sleeps about 15 and is on it's
< own 6 acres and has river frontage. Those of you with 4WD will enjoy
< trashing your trucks in the river. Watch as Palmer destroys his $40K 4
< Runner. Fun Fun.
< I have reserved the house for the weekend of November 30. This is one of
< few Longhorn bye weeks and does not conflict with Thanksgiving (Nov. 22).
< Plan on meeting out there Friday night after work and staying until
< Sunday.
< This is a very low cost event. If 10 people go, the cost of the cabin is
< slightly less than $40 per person. I have 16 people invited. We also
< like to buy obscene amounts of firewood so plan on another $5 to $10 pp
< for this. To give you an idea, I'm planning on renting a trailer this
< time to haul in the appropriate amount of wood. Lastly, the place
< supplies all bedding, dishes, etc. So, you don't have to worry about any
< camping gear. There's usually some interest in fishing, hiking, etc. so
< if you have that gear, bring it with you. If not, Koppa has special ways
< to keep you entertained back at the cabin <grin<. There is not much in
< the way of grocery/beer/liquor stores, so plan on showing up with what you
< need for consumption. While Clint will need a 6 pack of beer to get
< through the weekend, Devine will need a case of Beam. Ice is also an
< important thing to show up with. Make sure you bring a lot. For those
< that are not inclined to the camping lifestyle, the cabin has 2 baffrooms
< with showers, a full kitchen, tv/vcr, etc. If Koppa can handle it, you
< can too.
< This is a haul for the Dallas guys and we typically try to leave around
< noon on Friday. But, that may be hard for me this year. In any event, I
< can get 3 others down with me. The drive is totally worth it. I'll know
< more about how early I can leave as it gets closer.
< More information will come as we get closer. But, email me back fairly
< soon, so I can get a headcount and make the appropriate reservation. If a
< smaller number goes, we can shift to a smaller cabin. But, I want to
< know, sooner rather than later, the interest in this.
< This event is a great time. Fraternity stories only improve with Jim Beam
< and fire.
< Let the onslaught of email trashing begin.....
< Daniel Ebner
< Acquisitions
< D/FW Region - JPI
< 972-556-6915
< mailto:DEbner@JPI.com
< http://www.jpi.com