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Subject:FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fas #65
Date:Fri, 13 Jul 2001 06:24:58 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by David M Gagliardi/TTG/HouInd on 07/13/01 08:23 AM -----

Michael" To: "'dgagliardi@reliantenergy.com'" <dgagliardi@reliantenergy.com<,
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07/13/01 Subject: FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fas #65
07:05 AM

< -----Original Message-----
< From: TruOrange@aol.com [SMTP:TruOrange@aol.com]
< Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 7:42 PM
< To: TruOrange@aol.com
< Subject: True Orange E-Mail/Fas #65
< True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service
< Volume 9, E-Mail/Fax #65, Thursday, July 12, 2001
< Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange, P. O. Box 26530, Austin, Texas 78755 -
< Phone
< 512-795-8536
< European Shooting Guard Commits to UT; Horns Set Tulane FB Games
< Sydmill Harris, a 6-5 shooting guard for The Netherlands National Team,
< has
< committed to Texas and will be eligible this season for coach Rick
< Barnes and all of his assistant coaches are on the road recruiting and
< not available for comment, but Harris' decision was announced in The
< Netherlands. Unfortunately, it was announced in German, not English. I
< don't
< speak German and I can't read it either, but I could make out enough
< references to Harris, the University of Texas and Rick Barnes to figure
< out.
< Harris visited Texas in June.
< Thanks to new subscriber Kevin Ferrell of Connecticut for finding that
< story
< for me at an Amsterdam newspaper's internet site.
< I don't have any statistics for Harris, but he is supposed to be a very
< good
< shooter with excellent range. Barnes needs a scorer after Maurice Evans'
< decision to hire an agent and turn pro. Evans was ignored in the NBA
< and is pro chances are limited now, but he forfeited his final year of
< collegiate eligibility when he hired an agent.
< * * * *
< Texas and Tulane officials are putting the final touches on a
< home-and-home
< series in football that will have Texas visiting New Orleans on Sept. 28,

< 2002, and Tulane coming to Austin for a Sept. 27, 2003 game. A visit to
< New
< Orleans is a very nice road trip for Longhorn fans.
< * * * *
< All of the Longhorn football players who missed some or all of spring
< practice except TE Artie Ellis are running and jumping and doing all of
< the
< things that seem to indicate they are fully recovered. As I noted in an
< earlier e-mail/fax, Ellis is still having problems with his shin bone. DT

< Stevie Lee, who had a larger pin placed in his foot after the first pin
< failed to hold, is looking fine in the running drills.
< * * * *
< CEDRIC BENSON UPDATE:Super RB recruit Cedric Benson of Midland Lee is
< in
< Austin this week working out with the other UT players. He appears to be
< in
< excellent shape. He was in Austin earlier this summer, but returned to
< Midland when he was negotiating a pro baseball contract. He has signed a
< pro
< contract similar to the one Ricky Williams signed, which allows him to
< concentrate on football during football season and football training
< periods.
< * * * *
< RECRUITING ROUNDUP: Without naming anyone, let me try to cool a lot of
< internet speculation by stating that no out-of-state running back has a
< scholarship offer from Texas as this point. While I'm talking about the
< internet, don't believe what you hear from a lot of kids about all the
< offers
< they have. College coaches are very good at making a kid feel wanted
< they are still trying to figure out whether to offer a scholarship. Lots
< of
< kids take what the coaches are saying to mean they have an offer. A good
< rule
< of thumb if you have a kid who is or will be recruited in later years is
< to
< remember that a scholarship isn't offered until the coach says it is
< offered.
< . . It looks like the two WRs the Horns have really zeroed in on are
< Marquis
< Johnson of Champaign, Illinois, and Robert Timmons of Flower Mound
< Both are tall, going aboutg 6-2 or 6-3, and both are in the 190-200-pound

< range. Johnson is on most of the national top 100s lists and Timmons, the
< top
< WR in Texas, is on several of them. . . The Longhorns still have 11
< commitments. They are LB Brian Robison, 6-3, 245, 4.6, of Splendora; OL
< Neale Tweedie, 6-5, 260, 4.9, of Allen; LB Marcus Myers, 6-3, 220, 4.5,
< Pflugerville Connally; TE-LB David Thomas, 6-3, 210, 4.6, of Wolfforth
< Frenship; WR Dustin Miksch, 6-0, 165, 4.4, of Round Rock Westwood; QB
< Billy
< Don Malone, 6-2 1/2, 185, 4.7, of Paris North Lamar; RB/Athlete Clint
< Haney, 5-11, 190, 4.27 of Smithson Valley; OL Brett Valdez, 6-4, 310,
< of
< Brownwood, and DTs Sonny Davis, 6-1, 320, 5.0, of Gulf Coast JC in
< Mississippi, Earl Anderson, 6-4, 270, 4.8, of San Marcos and Lyle
< Sendlein,
< 6-4, 260, 4.8, of Scottsdale Chaparral, the two-time defending Class 4A
< champion in Arizona.
< * * * *
< My next e-mail/fax will be whenever events warrant.
< * * * *
< The True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service includes at least 99 fax/e-mails a

< year and costs $99 ($79 by E-Mail). The True Orange Newsletter includes
< 26
< newsletters and is published weekly during football season and twice
< monthly
< during most of the other months. It costs $45. Save by subscribing to
< for $130 (or $110 if you take the faxes via E-Mail or $99 if you take
< faxes and newsletter via E-Mail). Send check to address at the top of
< page.
< I also update my 900 number - 1-900-288-8839 - frequently with
< news. My E-Mail address is: truorange@aol.com.