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----- Forwarded by David M Gagliardi/TTG/HouInd on 08/13/01 08:50 AM ----- "Gagliardi, Michael" To: "'dgagliardi@reliantenergy.com'" <dgagliardi@reliantenergy.com<, <mgagliardi@u "'david.ricks@spotplus.com'" <david.ricks@spotplus.com<, nocal.com< "'tony.a.rogers@fritolay.com'" <tony.a.rogers@fritolay.com< cc: 08/13/01 Subject: FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #76 06:55 AM < -----Original Message----- < From: TruOrange@aol.com [SMTP:TruOrange@aol.com] < Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 11:21 PM < To: TruOrange@aol.com < Subject: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #76 < < True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service < Volume 9, E-Mail/Fax #76, Saturday, August 11, 2001 < Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange, P. O. Box 26530, Austin, Texas 78755 - < Phone < 512-795-8536 < < Longhorns Have First Full-Team Practices; UT Ranked No. 5 by AP < < The Longhorns had their first two full-team practices Saturday, and coach < Mack Brown said he is pleased with the way the players went all out in < both < drills. < "We're doing it a little differently this year," Brown said, noting that < he < is alternating between two workouts a day and one workout a day. When he < has < two workouts, like he did Saturday, there is an early morning and a late < evening workout. Then he follows that with a single workout at 3 p.m. the < next day, like he is doing Sunday. < "We haven't started well here," he said, pointing to four early-season < losses < since he has been at Texas. "It doesn't get as hot in North Carolina as it < < does here, so we checked with some pro teams in hot-weather cities and < we're < doing what they do." < He said all coaches are concerned about the football deaths that have < occurred in pro and college football already this pre-season, and he said < the < early and late workouts should help players avoid losing so much fluid. He < < has always had water breaks in practice and he is still having frequent < water < breaks. < Brown talked about problem areas in the pre-season, and he mentioned < three: < (1) the loss of both starting defensive tackles, (2) the lack of a proven < tailback, and (3) the necessity of finding two new kickers, one to do the < punting and one to do the place kicking. < He said sophomore Marcus Tubbs, who is close to 290 pounds and very quick, < < played well last year when Shaun Rogers was hurt and looks good at one < defensive tackle. Redshirt freshman Stevie Lee and sophomore Adam Doiron < both < worked some with the first team at the other tackle. Lee is coming off < foot < surgery, but showed no signs of weakness and looked good. Former defensive < < end Maurice Gordon looked great as a pass-rushing tackle in the spring and < he < still looks very quick and very formidable. < Brown said he hopes junior Victor Ike will step up at tailback, and also < said < the coaches want to look at highly touted freshmen Cedric Benson. Ike < worked < very hard in the off season and is sporting some new muscles. < He said JC transfer Brian Bradford is looking very good as the team < punter, < and said he is encouraged with the place-kicking of true freshman walk-ons < < David Pino and Dusty Mangum < Linebackers Reed Boyd and Marcus Wilkins worked at defensive end Saturday. < < Brown said they will continue to work at linebacker, too, but might play < some < at end until O. J. McClintock returns. McClintock is out indefinitely < after < suffering slashed muscles and tendons when he accidentally rammed his hand < < and arm though a window. < * * * * < Texas was ranked fifth in the nation in the pre-season Associated Press < Top < 25 Poll which was released Saturday. It was the Longhorns' highest < pre-season < ranking since being ranked No. 3 in 1983. < The Horns received five first place votes and were one of five schools to < earn votes for the top spot. Florida opens the season at No. 1, followed < by < Miami, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas, giving the Big 12 three of the top < five < spots. < The Longhorns have been in the top 25 in 37 of 42 AP polls since head < coach < Mack Brown took over in December of 1997. < The No. 5 ranking by the AP writers comes one week after the ESPN/USA < Today < Coaches and Football Writers Association of America tabbed UT No. 6 in < their < pre-season poll. < One positive factor that gives this team a better chance to finish in the < top < 10 than Brown's previous teams at Texas is the overall depth. His second < team < at UT was 9-2 and on a roll when the wide receivers and starting QB Major < Applewhite got hurt, sick or in the case of Kwame Cavil, got suspended. It < < lost its last three games. < This team has much better depth and is two deep in quality players at most < < positions. < * * * * < RECRUITING NOTES: The state's top running back, Albert Hardy of Galena < Park, < was at Saturday morning's practice, and he drew a lot of attention from < all < the UT coaches. He looks at least as big as the 5-11, 225, he is supposed < to < be. He is a power runner deluxe with speed to take it to the outside. The < offense UT has run since the present staff arrived is ideal for him. . . < The < state's top player, DT Rodrique Wright of Alief Hastings, attended one of < the < Thursday practices and he also drew lot of attention from the coaches. One < < reason he is so highly rated (and I rated him highly before anyone else < way < back last September when he was just starting his junior year) is that b < lockers don't slow him down very much. Single-teams, double-teams, even < triple-teams are just minor nuisances for him. He stays so low and is so < explosive that the best chance to avoid him is to run away from him as < fast < as possible. . . Two UT commitments also attended Longhorn practices this < week. WR Dustin Miksch of Roud Rock Westwood was at the Saturday morning < practice and LB Marcus Myers of Pflugerville Connally was at one of the < Thursday drills. < * * * * < My next e-mail/fax will be whenever events warrant. < * * * * < The True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service includes at least 99 fax/e-mails a < year and costs $99 ($79 by E-Mail). The True Orange Newsletter includes < 26 < newsletters and is published weekly during football season and twice < monthly < during most of the other months. It costs $45. Save by subscribing to both < < for $130 (or $110 if you take the faxes via E-Mail or $99 if you take < both < services via E-Mail). Send check to address at the top of page. I also < update my 900 number - 1-900-288-8839 - daily with recruiting news. My < E-Mail address is: truorange@aol.com.