Enron Mail

Subject:CSC ZONE Preliminary TTC ATC
Cc:1cscworkinggroup@ercot.com, wms_etc@ercot.com, rms_etc@ercot.com,ros_etc@ercot.com, jadams@ercot.com, jbian@ercot.com
Bcc:1cscworkinggroup@ercot.com, wms_etc@ercot.com, rms_etc@ercot.com,ros_etc@ercot.com, jadams@ercot.com, jbian@ercot.com
Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2001 00:05:00 -0700 (PDT)

Response Requested May 4
Three files attached

Attached is the preliminary TTC/ATC calculations between CM/CSC Zones for On
Peak Summer 2001.? Based upon these calcualtions it appears that the TTC
based upon thermal limits (RateB) between CM/CSC Zones is:

South to North?? 3,700 - 3,800 MW
West to North??? 1,100 - 1,200 MW
West to South????? 500 -?? 600 MW
North to South?? 1,100 - 2,300 MW
North to West????? 800 -?? 850 MW
South to West????? 300 -?? 350 MW

We request SSWG review these calculations and provide any changes or updates
no later than Friday May 4.

Thanks Ken D.

- CSCZoneTTCATC01Sum1.doc
- ATCRateBwithOfflineGen.xls
- ATCRateBwithOutOfflineGen.xls