Enron Mail

Subject:Confidential - New Procedures to be introduced by ENA OTC for Exec
Date:Wed, 27 Sep 2000 05:26:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: mark.frevert@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Bcc: mark.frevert@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com
X-From: David W Delainey
X-To: David Oxley
X-cc: Mark Frevert, John J Lavorato
X-Folder: \David_Delainey_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-Origin: Delainey-D
X-FileName: ddelain.nsf

David, i agree in principle with this process. I assume that you and your
team will implement. Like we spoke about, I do not see a need to widely
distribute this through the commercial organization. I would just implement.

---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 09/27/2000
12:24 PM ---------------------------

David Oxley
09/26/2000 01:55 PM
To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kay
Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly Hillis/HOU/ECT@ect
cc: Mark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Cindy Skinner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila
Knudsen/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle
Subject: Confidential - New Procedures to be introduced by ENA OTC for Exec
Employment Agreements and Hiring of Commercial Staff below VP into ENA

This would appear to be final draft. Dave/John if you are happy, perhaps you
can ask Kay or Kim to send out under ENA OTC header to distribution list


To: ENA VP's and MD's
CC: Olson, Frevert, McMahon, Bowen, McConnell, Shankman

Re: Confidential - New Procedures to be introduced by ENA OTC for Exec
Employment Agreements and Hiring of Commercial Staff Below VP into ENA

Effective immediately we have asked the ENA HR department to implement the
following changes to procedures to assist us in managing these two very
important processes, more consistently and effectively:

Hiring of all Commercial Managers or Directors (VP process will remain as is)
Business Unit leads and MD's will remain responsible for developing and
pursuing speculative talent for their groups and, within their budgets, will
also remain responsible for managing their overall headcount.
The HR department will continue to support this effort by focusing on
providing each of you with a flow of speculative resumes which you should
spend time each week reviewing and providing feedback on so that this
pipeline can be refined and better targeted.
The interviewing process for all Commercial Managers and Directors should be
very rigorous and should include at least 2 interviews by VP's in addition to
the sponsoring Business Unit lead plus a minimum of 3 senior individuals
within the sponsoring group (ie total of 6 in most cases).
Effective immediately, once the sponsoring group lead has completed their
interviewing process and would like to extend an offer of employment, the
candidate must be interviewed by the ENA OTC, before an offer of employment
will be released by the HR department. No candidates should be referred to
the ENA OTC for interview before the sponsoring group has concluded and
resolved ALL issues surrounding whether they themselves wish to hire the
Since any offer of employment at Commercial Manager or Director will now be
contingent upon approval by the ENA OTC, candidates expectations should be
managed to ensure they appreciate this final interview will be necessary.
John Lavorato has agreed to conduct the majority of these interviews, which
will be co-ordinated via your HR representative. Where the candidate is out
of town, these will be conducted via telephone.

Executive Employment Agreement Process for Commercial Staff
Effective immediately, the process for identifying and negotiating Executive
Employment Agreements for Commercial staff at ENA will be modified as follows:
For all Commercial staff, the sponsoring Business Unit lead or Managing
Director, should agree in principle the need for a contract with John
Lavorato of the ENA OTC. This request should be by either email or voicemail
and should include the following information: (1) Name, (2) Level (3)
Business focus and/or project (4) Their latest 2 PRC results (5) The reason
or justification for offering them a contract.
In any other instance (ie non-commercial employees), the sponsoring BU lead
or MD should contact David Oxley, Wholesale Group VP for HR for direction.
Once the ENA OTC has approved in principle the negotiation of a contract,
your HR representative listed below will assist you in preparing draft
financial terms on the familiar contract request form.
Before a draft contract will be prepared by the ENA legal team, the financial
terms (the request form in other words) must be approved by John Lavorato in
the ENA OTC. In the event of a tight deadline, John may approve the two steps
described here at 1 and 4 simultaneously by email or voicemail.
Any subsequent changes in terms must also be approved by the ENA OTC before a
fresh draft will be produced.

The following HR Representatives will assist you with these new procedures:

Power Trading - Kim Melodick 57273
Gas Trading - Jeanie Slone 53847
West Power - Amy Fitzpatrick Portland
West Orgin - Amy Fitzpatrick Portland
East Orgin - Fran Mayes 37211
M&A, Principle Inv - Dave Hill 34218
Upstream Orig - Dave Hill 34218
Capital Services - Dave Hill 34218
Generation Assets - Dave Hill 34218
Mexico - Dave Hill 34218
East Coast Power - Dave Hill 34218
Canada (Trading/Orig) - Dawn Doucet Calgary
Energy Op's - Sheila Walton 30649
BAR - Sheila Walton 30649
Legal - Sheila Walton 30649
Comp Analysis - Sheila Walton 30649
Research - Sheila Walton 30649