Enron Mail

Subject:EES Pinnacle Event
Date:Wed, 14 Feb 2001 00:57:00 -0800 (PST)

Matthew, if you know my reputation, I tend not to be a big fan of these type
of events either - however, at this point, I need to collect more information
on the event and I think it inappropriate to cancel at this late stage.
Going forward, I think we as a management team including yourself should
discuss what the strategy should be going forward.

Don't hesitate to voice your opinion.

---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 02/14/2001
08:52 AM ---------------------------

Matthew Scrimshaw
02/12/2001 02:24 AM
To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: EES Pinnacle Event


As you guys like a no bullshit approach, last Fall, I voiced my concerns to
the EES management team about the second Pinnacle event (see link below).


My concerns in no particular order were:

1) Given that we have a generous bonus programme to reward staff, I felt the
need for such an over the top event like an all expenses paid holiday in the
West Indies for "key" staff and their spouses was unnecessary.
2) The lack of transparent selection criteria ("selected Superior and
Excellent performers") was devisive would inevitably piss off the vast
majority of EES who didn't go on the trip.
3) Apart from disagreeing with the whole idea, I disagreed with the fact that
all the MDs automatically got to go as that implied they were all performing
and deserved it.
4) I didn't believe that, overall, the business was making enough money to
justify a "reward" trip like this.
5) I didn't want to take my best guys out of the office for up to a week as
we have a lot of work to do and won't make the numbers sat on a beach
6) The Europe wide Enron team works well together and there would be no way
of justifying this trip to the rest of the London office (non EES) who
obviously would see it for what it is - a waste of time and money

Tom conceded by saying that this one would probably be the last event of its
kind. Others remained silent.

I withdrew Europe from the event on the grounds that culturally in Europe
this event was unacceptable. Stephen Peterson (in the Europe team) appears
on the list of attendees, but will not attend for the reasons outlined above
and he is OK with it. Afterwards, I found out that McCarty boycotted the
first event the year before for the same reasons.

Whatever you guys decide to do, Europe remains committed to hitting the
numbers and being part of the team.
