Enron Mail

Subject:Fort James Amortization
Date:Fri, 16 Jun 2000 12:11:00 -0700 (PDT)

Tim, my understanding is that partnership fee (the $11.0M) has been amortized
for the last several years and expensed to the Industrial groups (McConville
and Ondarza). As you are aware, I sued them for breach. The settlement
involved the elimination of all existing transactions between Ft. James and
Enron including the Wauna and Halsey power contracts. It is my understanding
that the benefit of the elimination of those shorts resides in the Portland
shop. The elimination of the shorts would not have occurred without the
lawsuit on the alliance and the settlement I originated. It seemed logical
to charge the Portland office with the remaining un-amortized fee of $1.8M as
a cost of eliminating the shorts for no cost and no future contingent

Lets discuss.

---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 06/16/2000
07:00 PM ---------------------------

From: Tim Belden 06/16/2000 05:09 PM

To: Wes Colwell/HOU/ECT@ECT, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J
cc: Paula Harris/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Fort James Amortization

Edith Cross and I looked at the Fort James deal in great detail in early
1999. When the deal was closed, west power trading booked an in the money
position and an offsetting expense of about $11 million. This money has
already liquidated from our book. In fact, I have a copy of the 3/31/97 DPR
that reflects this liquidation. At that time, west power trading also paid a
350k credit reserve, 247k to the finance book, and 1.3 million in

I have also heard about a "partnership" fee that Enron paid to Fort James
around the same time. I'm not sure what this fee was and who benefitted from
it. It had nothing to do with the west power trading book.

On John's recommendation I called Wes to see if we could figure this out.
Wes, please give me a call back to discuss. I think that someone needs to
look at the actual journal entries from March of 1997 to see why an expense
of $11 million was deferred.

This is not my problem. I should not receive this expense. Until this is
resolved, I would greatly appreciate it if the writedown of the deferred
account does not hit west power trading's expenses.