---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Harris/Corp/Enron on 03/23/2000
11:35 AM ---------------------------
Fiona Lavelle@ECT
03/23/2000 10:37 AM
To: Stephanie Harris/Corp/Enron@ENRON
A few thoughts on topics that might be worthy of discussion at our meeting: -
1. Outside Counsel fees;
2. Recruitment and retention of lawyers and the impact of recent increases in
salaries elsewhere;
3. Cross calibration of recruits and promotions within the legal department;
4. Communication between the various groups;
5. Are we facing an increased risk of investigation worldwide e.g. FCPA,
other regualtory issues and are we doing enough to deal with these risks?
6. Technology - as the company becomes more and more e-commerce and
technologically advanced, is the legal department keeping up e.g. should
lawyers be more computer literate, do we need to send them on courses etc?
These are just a few thoughts and please do not hesitate to contact me if you
would like to discuss any of them or would like some additional ideas.
Thanks very much