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Enron Mail |
You have been identified by outside counsel as having outstanding FCC issues. We need to sign this by the end of the month. There is no more time. The FCC has made this very clear. Your immediate attention to this matter is appreciated. -----Original Message----- From: Pisciotta, Aileen [mailto:APisciotta@KelleyDrye.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:08 PM To: 'mholswo@enron.com' Subject: Status of Inquiries Mark - Below are the details on the status of our remaining open inquiries. We could use your help mostly as follows: 1. Ensuring that we get responses back from Enron Methanol (Drew Fossum) and PGE/Enron Communications (Barbara Halle). We have been in touch with them, but they are still researching our requests. 2. Getting information needed for the transfer of control applications for the delinquent companies (PGE, EOTT, Louisiana Gas, Midwestern Gas and Magnolia Construction). We will need details on all of the transactions and will need to figure out who will sign the applications. 3. Getting contact information for the companies listed in III., below, for which we still have no information. We will call you in the morning to discuss. Thanks for your help. Aileen. I. Information Needed on Status of Licenses **Contacts: Susan L. Bulgawicz Drew Fossum (Methanol) left a message. Awaiting response. Enron Corp: Following licenses not in company records; Susan Bulgawicz had no info and referred us to Drew Fossum WPLQ319 WPDP754 KIH689 - Per Susan L. Bulgawicz (11/15) cancellation of this license is pending. ENRON METHANOL COMPANY: WPKV797. Contact: Lee Huber. Email sent 11/20. Awaiting response. ENRON GAS PIPELINE GROUP: WPLX603 - Need to confirm that company does not exist and/or license does not belong to Enron. We will pull a copy of the application to see who signed it, but will take 4 weeks to get from Gettysburg. ENRON PROCESSING PROPERTIES INC: Need to confirm if following licenses should be cancelled: WNTQ400 WNTQ404 WNTQ402 Contact: Lockard & White KDW to follow up 11/21 TRANSWESTERN PIPELINE CO: WOP40 - Status? NORTHERN NATURAL GAS : WGK337 - Not in ULS. Cancel? The following are not in company records; status? WPOP352 KNNG643 WCT858 KUO815 KNDE415 WNHE505 KAO769 KNGX237 WNEH920 Contact: John Schwartzenburg. KDW reviewing info received 11/20. Superior Construction Co Inc: KYN325 Operational Energy Corp VCLP: WPFA959 National Energy Production Corporation: KB77770 WNRO451 Contact: Coralina Rivera, Tammi Scrudder Are working on response to 2nd request. ENRON POWER I (PUERTO RICO) INC dba ECO ELECTRICA LP: and ECO ELECTRICA LP: Need to confirm status of licenses; we understand company is to be sold with closing on Dec. 18 - TOC app. must be filed. WPNU901 WPPU476 Procaribe Division of the Protane Corporation: WNHB837 - Not in company records. Need to confirm status of licenses and whether company will be sold. II. FCC Applications Required for Consent Decree Contact: Eric Newell confirmed that transactions took place w/o TOC apps being filed. KDW to call John Nemila 11/21 to follow up. Need to clarify if TOC applications or other actions need to be filed for old call signs. ENRON WIND CORPORATION(ZOND): WNDC966 - Application was filed to replace this call sign with WPRS420 using the same frequency KB35570: - Application was filed to replace this call sign with WPMT764 using the same frequency KNJN416: - Application was filed to replace this call sign using the same frequency. Once approved Enron will abandon KAD3375. - Expired. Cancellation date: 6/4/00; renewal letter was sent on 12/4/99. Contact: John Zimmerman; Sherry Jackson. General info received. KDW to follow up w/Sherry Jackson 11/21. Need details on transactions to prepare FCC applications. Also need to know who will sign applications. EOTT: A number of transactions took place to acquire the licenses. John has provided closing dates, but is researching whether/when TOC apps were filed with the FCC **Contact: Barbara Halle. KDW sent follow-up emails 11/20. Enron Communications: Need to confirm if following call signs should be transferred to PG&E: WPOM273 WPOM274 Portland General Electric: PGE can neither confirm nor deny that FCC approval was obtained for following licenses: WPJG470 KBZ67 WPRY262 WPSD949 WPSE387 WAT699 - 07/13/98 cancelled; 08/13/99 converted: questionable whether transferred to Enron KB767 - No ULS match. Cancel? KVO326- No ULS match. Cancel? Contact: Barbara Gray, Gerald Nemec Email sent 11/20. LOUISIANA RESOURCES: Gerald Nemec confirmed that licenses are being used by Bridgeline (50% controlled, 40% owned by Enron), but is still researching whether TOC/assignment application was filed with FCC. Contact: Tom LeHan, Tom Floyd Called 11/20 to follow up to get documents and details. KDW to follow up 11/21 Midwestern Gas Transmission Company: Need to get copies of applicable documentation regarding the Midwestern Gas Transmission purchase from El Paso. Contact: John Ale, Tim Dorsey Email sent 11/19. Awaiting response. Magnolia Construction Company Inc: Magnolia was sold to AWS. Researching whether we have a duty to work with AWS to file TOC apps. **NO CONTACT INFO FOR FOLLOWING COMPANIES: No response yet to second request Kaul Communications, Inc.: WNDP999 WZH590 WPFM240 Cerrito Gathering Company: WPIT279 Cerrito Gathering Ltd: WPJB282 CGAS Exploration Inc: WNWQ584 Sithe/Independence Power Partners LP: WPNV866 Henry Bath Inc: 2366D Affiliated Building Services Inc: WPPV488 WPQE539 WPNY678 Operational Energy Corporation : WPRJ350 Cogen Technologies Energy Group: WPBR792 Cogen Technologies NJ Ventures Inc: WPLY588 The Bently Company: (Contact: Henry Bath, in London) WPDN749 Aileen A. Pisciotta Kelley Drye & Warren LLP 1200 19th Street, N.W. Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel: 202-955-9771 Fax: 202-955-9792 apisciotta@kelleydrye.com The information contained in this E-mail message is privileged, confidential, and may be protected from disclosure; please be aware that any other use, printing, copying, disclosure or dissemination of this communication may be subject to legal restriction or sanction. If you think that you have received this E-mail message in error, please reply to the sender. This E-mail message and any attachments have been scanned for viruses and are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened. However, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Kelley Drye & Warren LLP for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.