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DEVELOPMENT (OAHED)Under Auspice of UNIPH Foundation: Reg N0:85/2000 c/o N0:9 Long Street Banjul The Gambia; Telefax:220-390969 SUBJECT; RE:INTRODUCTION OF (OAHED)AND REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL/TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR EFFECTIVE TAKE-OFF OF ESTABLISHING A LIAISON OFFICE IN THE GAMBIA. ATTN:JAMES INTRODUCTION *Organization of African Health and Economic Development (OAHED), was created with a vision to coordinates efforts to combat diseases and promote physical and mental health. Contribute significantly to eradicate communicable diseases and promoting improved sanitation and health condition in Africa and promote economic development. *OAHED based on a common vision on economic stabilization strategies and shared conviction , that (OAHED) have a pressing duty to eradicate poverty and diseases and to place Africa countries both individually and collectively on the path of sustainable growth development at the same time participate actively in the world economy. *The programmme of (OAHED) is anchored on the determination of Africans to extricate themselves and the continent from the malaise of underdevelopment and exclusion in the world globalization. *Poverty and backwardness of African stand in stark contrast to the prosperity of the developed world.The continued imagination of Africa from the globalisaton process and the social exclusion of the vast majority of its people constitute a serious threat to global stability. *In Africa, 365 million peoples or half of the population live on less than $1.00 per day.The mortality rate of children under 5years of age is 140 per 1000 and life expectancy at birth is only 54 years. Only 41 percent of the population have access to safe water, medical care, education etc. The high rate of illiteracy for people over 15 is 54 percent. *OAHED calls for the reversal of this abnormal situation by changing the relationship that underpins it.African are appealing neither for the further entrenchment of dependency through aid, nor for margical concession. *We are convinced that an historical opportunity present itself to end the scourge of underdevelopment that afflicts Africa. The resources, including capital, technology and human skills that are required to launch a global war on poverty and underdevelopment exist in abundance.What is required to mobilize these resource and use them properly, is bold and imaginative leadership that is genuinely committed to a sustained effort of human upliftment and poverty eradication as well as a new global partnership based on shared responsibility and mutual interest. *In the circumstance, Organization of African Health and Economic Development(OAHED) hereby declare that we will no longer allow ourselves/African countries to be conditioned by circumstances. We determine our own destiny and call on the rest of the world to help and complement our efforts. There are already signs of progress and hopes. Democratic regimes that are committed to the protection of human rights, peoples centered development and market oriented economies are on the increase. African people have begun to demonstrate their refusal to accept poor economic and political leadership.These development are, however uneven and inadequate and head to be further expedited. OAHED is about consolidating and accelerating these gains. It is a call for a new relationship of partnership between African and the international community, especially the highly industrialised countries, to overcome the development chasm that has of course widened over centuries of unequal relations. *Our perfect knowledge in respect of the high level of your commitment and goodness in the vineyard of humanity impressed and impelled us to seek for your kind assistance to establish the (OAHED) liaison office in the Gambia. The materials and funds needed for the effective take-off are as follow: 1.Cost of renting /furnishing office??????????.USD$38,000.00 2.Logistics, ie, vehicles???????????????USD$325,000.00 3.Staff emolument, mobility and communication etc????USD$57,000.00 4.Contingency (5%) Grand Total ???????????????????USD$420,000.00 In the light of this, we are now on board in a situation not to be described caused by financial difficulty. We have no facilities neither have we any money to purchase those materials that are absolutely necessary in this issue.Your goodness to humanity has ever been such as leaves not the smallest doubt you will not suffer us to starve in the situation you have been pleased to place us, and which is such as will ever tend to make us the most grateful/happy and to ensure success as well as accomplish the set-up goals.You will be induced to take this issue into consideration an urgent intervention in this impediment, and by a little pecuniary aid, please save us from this impasse.It will be an act worthy of your self, and that imprint upon our heart which will never be erased. *OAHED will welcome any assistance you render to enable us put in place the relevant infrastructures that would enhance the effective and the presence of Organization of African Health and Economic Development in the Gambia. Any assistance given should be considered a worthwhile service to God and Humanity .If you require any further information or clarification in any point, please do not hesitate to ask. Looking Forward to The Pleasure of your Compliance. Yours Faithfully Rev. Emmanuel . E. Awuruh CEO/PRESIDENT ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN HEALTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT(OAHED) THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping. http://shopping.yahoo.com