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In an effort to link our members and to transform the Council into a truly national organization, selected videos of New York General Meetings are regularly posted on the members' website at www.cfr.org/member. Please contact webmaster@cfr.org for your user name and password. Please note that these meetings are not for attribution, unless otherwise indicated. This means that these videos are limited to Council members and that these presentations may not be reproduced or replayed for non-Council members. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* We invite you to view the following meetings: "After the Attacks: Military Options" with Charles G. Boyd, Barry R. McCaffrey, William L. Nash, and Bernard E. Trainor (9/25/01). http://www.cfr.org/Members/policy/AfterAttacks_9-25-01_Video.html "Terrorism and the New U.S. Foreign Policy: Views from Abroad" with Michael Elliott, Harold M. Evans, Sergei Karaganov, Luiz Felipe Lampreia, and Michel Rocard (9/26/01). *This meeting was on the record. http://www.cfr.org/Members/policy/Terrorism_9-26-01_Video.html "The Terrorist Attacks: The Economic Implications" with Gail D. Fosler, Henry Kaufman, Peter G. Peterson, and Paul A. Volcker (10/2/01). *This meeting was on the record. http://www.cfr.org/Members/policy/Terrorism_10-2-01_Video.html "Understanding the Roots of Terrorism: Regional Focus, Afghanistan and Pakistan" with Frank Anderson, Barton Gellman, John Miller, and Barnett Rubin (10/4/01). http://www.cfr.org/Members/policy/Terrorism_10-4-01_Video.html "World Economic Update" with John P. Lipsky, Stephen S. Roach, Diane Swonk, and Daniel K. Tarullo (10/5/01). *This meeting was on the record. http://www.cfr.org/Members/policy/WEU_10-5-01_Video.html "Economic Fallout---Affected Sectors and Markets" with Sean Hennessey, Daniel M. Kasper, Floyd Norris, and Michael Weinstein (10/16/01). *This meeting was on the record. http://www.cfr.org/Members/policy/Terrorism_10-16-01_Video.html ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Attached please find instructions on how to access the website. If Windows Media Player is not already on your system, you will have to install it. You can download the program for free at www.microsoft.com/windows/mediaplayer/en/default.asp. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* In accord with the Council's tradition of non-attribution, neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor that of the participants may be revealed. Additionally, one may not cite the Council meeting as the source of the information presented. Please note that these meetings are limited to Council members and that these presentations may not be reproduced or replayed for non-Council members. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* If you do not want to receive this e-mail in the future, please e-mail national@cfr.org with your full name and e-mail address. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* (See attached file: Website.rtf) - Website.rtf