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Enron Mail |
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: "David Winn" <dwinn@swlegal.org< X-To: <bmnw@airmail.net<, <beckymcgee@aol.com<, <Dcanutes@aol.com<, <jcoffee491@aol.com<, <krdicker@aol.com<, <ljmoore124@aol.com<, <maroborti@aol.com<, <david.g.glickman@bakernet.com<, <barnette@bethsteel.com<, <klynch@bexp3d.com<, <lynchj1@bp.com<, <ebruchez@bruchez.com<, <howard@bsnx.com<, <vas@bswllp.com<, <dkircher@bwslaw.com<, <fwblue@caltex.com<, <cbub@chevron.com<, <102122.2116@compuserve.com<, <christim@crowedunlevy.com<, <sshollis@duanemorris.com<, <duke.ligon@dvn.com<, <james.derrick@enron.com<, <SMMAZOFF@EQUIVA.COM<, <monte.ackerman@exxon.com<, <ted.m.frois@exxon.com<, <kennethburke@ey.com<, <tom.ryan@fina.com<, <jmorris@gablelaw.com<, <rtullius@gorilla.net<, <jhardwick@hallestill.com<, <crosst@hayboo.com<, <holdenj@hughesluce.com<, <jscott@huntoil.com<, <mgodfrey@iopener.net<, <drobertson@jenkens.com<, <bill.jarman@keanmiller.com<, <mperrin@kslaw.com<, <croberts@langleybanack.com<, <jarmour@lockeliddell.com<, <phmarti@lsu.edu<, <jlowe@mail.smu.ed<, <wsschwind@marathonoil.com<, <bwertz@mcginnislaw.com<, <pssmith@mitchellenergy.com<, <jkhartrick@msn.com<, <wmji@msn.com<, <gsoto@msrm.com<, <rbuettner@popllc.com<, <jbwhitw@ppco.com<, <sjbell@rogersandbell.com<, <ktjarvi@shellus.com<, <wlcampbell@shellus.com<, <ralsup@ssd.com<, <cquarter@steptoe.com<, <hollimos@strasburger.com<, "David Winn" <dwinn@swlegal.org<, "J. David Ellwanger" <jdavidellwanger@swlegal.org<, <berryb@tklaw.com<, <wrwells@upstream.xomcorp.com<, <w.mark.low@us.arthoranderson.com<, <mike.oshea@us.pwcglobal<, <wdrushel@velaw.com<, <jbphill@webtv.net<, <Bill.Vonglahn@williams.com<, <craig.rainey@williams.com< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \James_Derrick_Dec2000_June2001_1\Notes Folders\Discussion threads X-Origin: DERRICK-J X-FileName: jderric.nsf TO: Members of the Advisory Board of the International Oil and Gas Educational Center FROM: Pat Martin, Chair I am very pleased to tell you that the Alamo [ http://www.thealamo.org/ ] and adjacent Alamo Hall [ http://www.thealamo.org/map_nojs.html ] will be the venue for our annual= =20 Advisory Board reception and dinner on Wednesday, February 14, 2001. Our Annual Meeting of the Advisory Board will be conducted earlier that=20 afternoon at the Hilton Palacio del Rio on San Antonio's River Walk [=20 http://hotx.com/rb/ ]. Details and an RSVP form about both the meeting and= =20 the dinner that evening will be mailed to you in early January. February 1= 4=20 is also Valentines Day, so mark your calendar now to attend the Annual=20 Meeting and plan to bring your spouse or guest with you to our very special= =20 dinner event at the Alamo that night. I am equally pleased to announce that the recipient of the IOGEC's 2001 Jo= hn=20 Rogers Award -- and featured speaker at the award ceremony -- will be Enron= =20 Chairman and CEO, Ken Lay. The award will be presented at a special hosted= =20 reception and dinner ceremony on Thursday, February 15, 2001 at the unique= =20 Institute of Texan Cultures [ http://www.texancultures.utsa.edu/main/ ]. Our Advisory Board meeting and festivities as usual immediately precede ou= r=20 annual Institute on Oil and Gas Law and Taxation. The 52d Annual Institute= =20 will be held Thursday-Friday, February 15-16, 2001, at the Hilton Palacio= =20 del Rio [http://www.hilton.com/hotels/SATPDHH/index.html;$sessionid$4UKQTPQAAADTBJ3= 1AO DSFFI?_requestid=3D10505 ] on the River Walk. Institute Co-Chairs Bill=20 Schwind, Brad Keithley and Dennis Grindinger have assembling an outstanding= =20 and innovative program, including: * optional multi-session segments on US Onshore, Federal/US Offshore,=20 International, Environmental, Litigation and Emerging Issues, * presentations by top federal oil and gas officials, including the Chairm= an=20 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Director of the=20 Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the Director of the Office of Foreign= =20 Asset Control (OFAC), * presentations by top state oil and gas officials, including Commissione= rs=20 of the Texas Railroad Commission and the Louisiana Office of Conservation a= nd=20 the Vice Chair of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, * presentations by top law school faculty, including Professors Earnest E.= =20 Smith from the University of Texas, Bruce Kramer from Texas Tech University= ,=20 Ira Shepard of the University of Houston and Martin J. McMahon of the=20 University of Florida, =02=05 presentations by top oil and gas attor= neys,=20 including Williams Companies SVP and General Counsel Bill von Glahn, former= =20 Coastal Corp. General Counsel Mike Beatty and former EEX SVP and General=20 Counsel and current IOGEC Vice Chair Janice Hartrick, and * tours of San Antonio and its historical sites for registrants' family an= d=20 friends during the Institute. The Institute materials will be provided to Institute registrants on CD as= =20 well as in the traditional notebook. As they have been for 51 years, the= =20 papers by the Institute faculty will ultimately be edited and published by= =20 Matthew Bender & Company in its annual Proceedings of the Oil and Gas Law a= nd=20 Taxation Institute. An Institute brochure with further information about the= =20 Institute, the Rogers Award ceremony and related events in San Antonio will= =20 be mailed to you shortly after Thanksgiving. I remind you that as a member of the Advisory Board of the IOGEC [=20 http://www.swlegal.org/iogec/ ], you are entitled to attend this cornucopia= =20 of professional, educational and social events cost-free: * the Advisory Board Annual Meeting on Wednesday afternoon, * the Advisory Board reception and dinner at the Alamo on Wednesday evenin= g=20 (you are invited to bring your spouse or guest to this special event withou= t=20 charge), * the John Rogers Award Reception and Dinner at the Institute of Texan=20 Cultures on Thursday evening (tickets for your spouse or guest will be=20 available for purchase), as well as * the entire Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Institute, including the two-day= =20 program and a hosted luncheon on Friday. The Institute is followed by a three-day weekend (Presidents= =20 Day is Monday, February 19, 2001), and San Antonio is Texas' top tourist=20 destination for many good reasons, so I look forward to seeing you in=20 February in San Antonio [ http://www.sanantoniocvb.com/INDEXED.HTM ]. Enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays.