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PW: bnaweb22 -----Original Message----- From: "BNA Highlights" <bhighlig@bna.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22BNA+20Highlights+22+20+3Cbhighlig+40bna+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 11:06 PM To: BNA Highlights Subject: June 7 -- BNA, Inc. Daily Environment Report ______________________________ DAILY ENVIRONMENT REPORT Highlights & Table of Contents June 7, 2001 ______________________________ ISSN 1521-9402 Registered Web subscribers can access the full text of these articles by using the URL link supplied. Information about becoming a subscriber or signing up for a FREE Web trial is available at http://web.bna.com or call BNA Customer Relations at 1-800-372-1033, Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 7:00 pm (ET). __________ HIGHLIGHTS __________ EPA ISSUES TWO RADIATION STANDARDS FOR YUCCA MOUNTAIN REPOSITORY EPA upholds stringent radiation standards for the proposed Yucca Mountain high-level nuclear waste repository in Nevada. In its final version of radiation standards for Yucca Mountain, EPA lets stand the 15 millirem per year standard it proposed in 1999 for all pathways of exposure. EPA issues a separate 4 millirem standard for radiation in ground water. The EPA standard wins guarded support from opponents of the Yucca Mountain facility. . . . Page AA-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z0v6_ SCIENCE PANEL TELLS WHITE HOUSE GLOBAL WARMING LIKELY TO CONTINUE Greenhouse gas emissions are still causing the Earth to warm, and more research is needed to curtail existing uncertainties in climate change science, a committee of the National Research Council advises the White House. "We know that greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere, causing surface temperatures to rise," writes the committee chairman. The committee says it was not part of the committee's charge to make policy recommendations for dealing with potential effects of climate change. . . . Page A-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7b4j3_ NORTON PROMISES INTERIOR WILL HONOR BANS ON OFFSHORE OIL, GAS DRILLING The Bush administration will respect congressional bans on offshore oil and gas drilling, but may investigate the need to change the law, Interior Secretary Norton tells a House committee during a hearing on the Bush administration's National Energy Policy Report. . . . Page A-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z8y0_ FEDERAL APPEALS COURT STRIKES MOST VIRGINIA RESTRICTIONS ON TRASH IMPORTS Provisions of Virginia's solid waste management law, enacted to limit the amount of out-of-state waste that can be taken to landfills in the state, violate the U.S. Constitution, a federal appeals court rules. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit says four of five provisions, enacted in 1999 in response to the growth of regional landfills in the state and an influx of municipal solid waste from New York and elsewhere, violate constitutional restrictions on state action. . . . Page A-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z0h3_ FUNGICIDE TASK FORCE SEEKS MORE TIME FOR CARBAMATE ASSESSMENT A deadline for grouping carbamate pesticides for a cumulative risk assessment should be flexible, an industry task force writes in comments to EPA. The Dec. 31 deadline was set by EPA and the Natural Resources Defense Council in a consent decree, which also imposed additional deadlines on EPA for its pesticide reassessments and which could be approved by a federal court next week. . . . Page A-5 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z3b2_ ADMINISTRATION REQUESTS FUNDS FOR CLEANUP OF URANIUM WASTE SITE Lobbying efforts by a bipartisan group of lawmakers lead the Bush administration to add $1.4 million to its fiscal year 2002 budget request to plan the cleanup of a southern Utah uranium waste site. Contamination from the site could threaten the Colorado River, a major source of drinking water for 25 million residents in western states. . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z7j6_ RUSSIAN LAWMAKERS DECIDE TO ALLOW IMPORT OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL Russia's parliament approves a legislative package that would allow the country to import spent nuclear fuel from abroad. The government, which strongly lobbied for the bills, hopes to make about $20 billion by importing spent nuclear fuel for reprocessing and storage in Russia. To become law, the bills still must be approved by parliament's upper house and signed by President Putin. . . . Page A-9 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z3h0_ CONFIDENTIAL DATA SOUGHT ON EFFECT OF BIOTECH CROPS ON BUTTERFLIES The Union of Concerned Scientists asks EPA to release confidential data on the effects of biotech crops on the Monarch butterfly. In a Freedom of Information Act request, the group seeks data generated by academic and government scientists and submitted to EPA by makers of plant-incorporated protectants. A substantial part of the data being sought on Bt corn and the Monarch is claimed as confidential. . . . Page A-6 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6u2q1_ SUPPORT OFFERED FOR DOT PROPOSAL ON SHORT HAZARDOUS LIQUID PIPELINES Pipeline safety experts and portions of regulated industry file comments in support of a Department of Transportation proposal to extend integrity management requirements to shorter hazardous liquid pipelines. The proposed rule would affect pipelines shorter than 500 miles that pass through highly populated or environmentally sensitive areas. . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6x1x6_ U.S., SINGAPORE TRADE TALKS COULD BE SLOWED BY ENVIRONMENT ISSUE The continuing dispute between Republicans and Democrats in Congress over how to handle labor and environmental issues in trade negotiations could slow talks now under way between the United States and Singapore for a free trade agreement, the first between the United States and an Asian nation, by the end of the year. . . . Page A-11 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a4b2_ CORROSION BLAMED FOR RUPTURED PIPELINE CAUSING OIL SPILL IN BRAZIL A ruptured pipeline spills 200,000 liters (52,000 gallons) of fuel oil in a suburb of Sao Paulo, Brazil's largest city, causing serious damage to several homes. The state oil company Petrobras says the pipeline was carrying residual fuel oil from one Petrobras refinery in southeastern Sao Paulo state to another for processing. . . . Page A-8 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6r3b8_ ______________ TODAY'S EVENTS ______________ PESTICIDES: EPA public meeting on consumer awareness program for chromated copper arsenicals-treated wood, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Hilton Crystal City, 2399 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Va. ___________ ENFORCEMENT ___________ STATE GRANTS: Draft guidance on a proposed state enforcement grant program is being developed by EPA and may be published for comment by the end of this month. As part of the fiscal 2002 budget request for EPA, President Bush proposed a $25 million state enforcement grant program. EPA is circulating a draft framework for three options to administer the grant program. . . . Page A-4 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a6m8_ EMERGENCY PLANNING: Arizona Portland Cement Co. of Rillito, Ariz., agrees to pay $82,442 in a settlement with EPA over alleged failure to report releases of nickel and cobalt into the environment between 1996 and 1998. The violations were uncovered during an EPA inspection of the facility. . . . Page A-8 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6y4f7_ HAZARDOUS WASTE: Retroactive application of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act would withstand constitutional scrutiny, a U.S. magistrate judge rules and refuses to allow a defendant, Mallinckrodt, Inc., to amend its pleadings to challenge the law's retroactive application in a case involving mercury pollution in Maine. . . . Page A-7 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6t6m6_ ILLEGAL TRADE: Officials responsible for implementing treaties on hazardous waste, ozone-depleting chemicals, and endangered species say that the growth in illegal trade highlights the need for improved enforcement. . . . Page A-9 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6y9h0_ _________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS _________________ LEADING THE NEWS RADIOACTIVE WASTE EPA finalizes 15 millirem standard, ground water limit for Yucca Mtn. . . . Page AA-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z0v6_ NAS supports geological disposal . . . Page AA-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a0d5_ ____ NEWS ____ BRAZIL Ruptured pipeline causes oil spill; corrosion is blamed . . . Page A-8 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6r3b8_ CLIMATE CHANGE Science panel says warming likely to continue, more research needed . . . Page A-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7b4j3_ DRINKING WATER Administration heeds request for funds to clean up uranium site in Utah . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z7j6_ EMERGENCY PLANNING Cement company agrees to settlement after alleged failure to report releases . . . Page A-8 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6y4f7_ ENFORCEMENT EPA develops draft guidance on grants to states, aims for publication soon . . . Page A-4 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a6m8_ HAZARDOUS WASTE RCRA retroactive liability defense rejected by federal court magistrate . . . Page A-7 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6t6m6_ INTERNATIONAL ISSUES Officials cite need to address growing illegal environmental trade . . . Page A-9 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6y9h0_ NATURAL RESOURCES Norton promises committee to uphold bans on offshore drilling . . . Page A-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z8y0_ PESTICIDES Bt crop gets tolerance exemption . . . Page A-6 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6u6d4_ Confidentiality of biotech crop data on butterfly effects questioned by group . . . Page A-6 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6u2q1_ Correction to the June 6 report . . . Page A-12 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6u9m8_ Fungicide industry task force asks court for flexibility on carbamate cumulative date . . . Page A-5 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z3b2_ PIPELINE SAFETY Safety experts, advocates support proposed rule for shorter liquid lines . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6x1x6_ RADIOACTIVE WASTE EPA finalizes 15 millirem standard, ground water limit for Yucca Mtn. . . . Page AA-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z0v6_ Lawmakers in Russia approve bills to allow imports of spent fuel . . . Page A-9 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z3h0_ NAS supports geological disposal . . . Page AA-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a0d5_ SOLID WASTE Federal appeals court strikes majority of Virginia trash restrictions . . . Page A-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z0h3_ TRADE U.S., Singapore negotiations could be slowed by environment issue . . . Page A-11 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a4b2_ ________ CALENDAR ________ CONGRESS Legislative calendar . . . Page C-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7e2d9_ PRESIDENT President's calendar . . . Page C-6 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7e2y6_ PUBLIC LAWS Legislation recently signed into law . . . Page C-7 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7e2z7_ _________________ REGULATORY AGENDA _________________ COMMENT DEADLINES Due dates for comments on pending rules . . . Page D-3 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6h5x7_ JUNE 7 FEDERAL REGISTER Entries from today's table of contents . . . Page D-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6r1r0_ JUNE 6 FEDERAL REGISTER Previous day's entries with page citations . . . Page D-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6g1n3_ ______________ TABLE OF CASES ______________ Maine People's Alliance v. Holtrachem Manufacturing Co. (D. Me.) . . . Page A-7 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6t6m6_ Waste Management Holdings Inc. v. Gilmore (4th Cir.) . . . Page A-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g6z0h3_ __________ Daily Environment Report (ISSN 1521-9402) Highlights are published daily by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., 1231 25th St., NW, Washington, DC 20037. For account information and changes, contact 1-800-372-1033 (M-F, 8:30 am-7:00 pm ET) To request retransmission or to order a copy of the summarized article, contact 1-800-452-7773 or e-mail bnaplus@bna.com. 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