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PW: bnaweb22 -----Original Message----- From: "BNA Highlights" <bhighlig@bna.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22BNA+20Highlights+22+20+3Cbhighlig+40bna+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 11:05 PM To: BNA Highlights Subject: June 8 -- BNA, Inc. Daily Environment Report ______________________________ DAILY ENVIRONMENT REPORT Highlights & Table of Contents June 8, 2001 ______________________________ ISSN 1521-9402 Registered Web subscribers can access the full text of these articles by using the URL link supplied. Information about becoming a subscriber or signing up for a FREE Web trial is available at http://web.bna.com or call BNA Customer Relations at 1-800-372-1033, Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 7:00 pm (ET). __________ HIGHLIGHTS __________ BUSH SAID NOT LIKELY TO OFFER PLAN FOR GLOBAL WARMING AT SUMMIT President Bush is not likely to take a detailed plan for combating global warming to next week's summit meeting in Sweden with European Union leaders, although the president is concerned about climate change, says his spokesman. With a Cabinet-level group still studying the issue, Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer says the president is likely to engage European leaders on broad issues related to climate change and to hold off on offering specific recommendations. Fleischer says the White House finds credible this week's report by the National Research Council that outlines how greenhouse gas emissions are still causing the Earth to warm. In Luxembourg, the EU avoids an embarrassing split when the outgoing Italian government supports ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. . . . Page AA-1, AA-2, A-9 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8h0r4_ http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8h7g2_ http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g2p5_ LIEBERMAN TO SCRUTINIZE ADMINISTRATION'S ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL DECISIONS Energy and the Bush administration's environmental actions will be among the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee's top priorities under Democratic leadership, says its new chairman, Sen. Lieberman. . . . Page A-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e1f6_ IBM ASKS TO USE SEMICONDUCTOR PLANT'S HAZARDOUS WASTE TO MAKE CEMENT EPA asks for comments on giving regulatory flexibility under its Project XL to waste-handling operations at IBM's East Fishkill semiconductor plant in Hopewell Junction, N.Y. The principal objective of the project, EPA says, is to determine whether the waste water treatment sludge resulting from electroplating operations may be used as an ingredient in cement without the regulatory controls of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. . . . Page A-3 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a3f6_ WAL-MART AGREES TO PAY $5.5 MILLION TO SETTLE ALLEGED WATER VIOLATIONS Wal-Mart Stores Inc. agrees to pay $1 million in fines and to set up a $4.5 million environmental management plan to resolve allegations that it violated the Clean Water Act, federal prosecutors announce. Wal-Mart allegedly violated permitting requirements for storm water during the construction of 17 stores in Massachusetts, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. . . . Page A-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e0c3_ EPA WAIVES $350,000 IN FINES AFTER RIGHT-TO-KNOW VIOLATIONS REPORTED EPA waives nearly $350,000 in potential fines for seven mid-Atlantic region companies after they voluntarily report violations of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act. The EPA Region III spokesperson tells BNA all of the potential violations involved noncompliance with reporting violations and not releases of toxins. Many of the potential violations came to light as the companies hired private consultants for self audits or to meet permitting requirements. . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g3j4_ EPA SEEKS VOLUNTARY EDUCATION PROGRAM ABOUT ARSENIC-TREATED WOOD EPA maintains its support for a voluntary industry program to educate consumers about the safe handling of wood treated with arsenic-based pesticides. At a public meeting, public interest representatives and state health officials express concern about arsenic leaching from the wood treated with copper chromated arsenate. The EPA meeting includes a presentation about the American Wood Preservers Institute's efforts to teach consumers how to handle the wood. . . . Page A-11 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e4f5_ EXPOSURE LEVELS FOR PHENOL, PERCHLOROMETHYL MERCAPTAN CALLED TOO STRICT Some proposed Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for phenol, another industrial chemical, and nerve agents are too stringent, based on toxicological research of the compounds, according to comments submitted to EPA in response to its proposal for exposure levels for 13 chemicals and five nerve agents. The National Advisory Committee for Acute Exposure Guideline Levels is scheduled to discuss the proposed levels next week. . . . Page A-6 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a1a4_ FASTER REVIEW URGED FOR COMPLAINTS UNDER NAFTA ENVIRONMENT PACT An advisory committee urges the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation to expedite the process for reviewing citizen complaints that the governments of the United States, Canada, or Mexico are not enforcing environmental laws. . . . Page A-8 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7k2k9_ EU ENVIRONMENT MINISTERS AGREE TO REQUIRE RECYCLING OF ELECTRONIC GOODS The European Union environment ministers agree to make the manufacturers of electronic goods either take back used products or collect them for recycling purposes. The EU Council of Environment ministers also agree to phase out by 2007 certain hazardous substances used in making electronic goods, including lead, cadmium, and flame-retardant materials. . . . Page A-7 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e7r1_ CHINA ISSUES NEW RULES FOR LABELING, TESTING GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS China issues new regulations, including labeling and testing requirements, for genetically modified crops and other organisms. The new regulations give the agriculture administration under the State Council the power to ban the import or export of any genetically modified products and the right to quarantine or to inspect those products. . . . Page A-5 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7k2t3_ RESIDENTS OF PHOENIX ALLEGE ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM IN CLASS ACTION SUIT A class-action lawsuit alleging environmental racism is filed in Arizona Superior Court against Arizona and Phoenix on behalf of residents of a neighborhood on the city's south side. The lawsuit alleges zoning policy and tax incentives turned the neighborhood into storage grounds for toxic materials. . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8f5b9_ CONGRESSMEN MEET TO NEGOTIATE BROWNFIELDS BILL PROMOTING CLEANUP, REUSE Republican and Democratic members of a House Subcommittee meet to discuss the introduction of bipartisan legislation to spur redevelopment and reuse of brownfields. . . . Page A-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8f0y7_ SENATOR SEEKS TO BAN OIL, GAS DRILLING, BALLAST DISCHARGES IN GREAT LAKES New oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes would be banned under legislation to be introduced next week by Sen. Stabenow. The legislation would be part of a comprehensive package that would include restrictions on discharges of ballast water designed to control further introduction of invasive species, such as the zebra mussel and the sea lamprey. . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e7c5_ LEARNING PROBLEMS FOUND IN ADULTS WHO EAT PCB-CONTAMINATED FISH Adults who eat fish contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls have problems learning and remembering new verbal information, according to a study to be printed in the June issue of "Enviornmental Health Perspectives". The researchers say their study may be of interest to workers in the electric circuit manufacturing industry because their exposure to PCBs can be much higher than that incurred by the fish-eaters. . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e5k0_ _____________ AIR POLLUTION _____________ TEXAS: The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission settles a lawsuit that threatened to block implementation of Houston's plan to meet requirements of the Clean Air Act. TNRCC is settling with a consortium of Houston businesses that includes several major oil and chemical companies. The agreement is designed to ensure effective implementation of clean air controls for the Houston-Galveston area by 2007. . . . Page A-11 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g1t6_ NEW SOURCE REVIEW: The heads of EPA and the Justice Department are invited to tour communities near petroleum refineries while their agencies review enforcement actions against oil companies and power plants. Dozens of environmental groups write EPA Administrator Whitman and Attorney General Ashcroft inviting them on "toxic tours" of the communities with petroleum refineries. . . . Page A-4 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e1d9_ CALIFORNIA DESERT: A portion of the California desert designated as not in compliance with Clean Air Act standards for particulate matter would be split into three separate non-attainment areas under an EPA proposal. EPA's Region IX says it will ask for public comments on its proposed redesignation of the Searles Valley non-attainment area into three areas: Coso Junction, Indian Wells Valley, and Trona. . . . Page A-3 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7z4m2_ _________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS _________________ LEADING THE NEWS CLIMATE CHANGE Bush said not likely to bring plan to curb global warming to summit . . . Page AA-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8h0r4_ Study should move Bush toward carbon dioxide cuts, advocate says . . . Page AA-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8h7g2_ ____ NEWS ____ AIR POLLUTION California desert nonattainment area for particulates would be divided by EPA . . . Page A-3 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7z4m2_ Groups invite Whitman, Ashcroft to tour areas near refineries . . . Page A-4 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e1d9_ BIOTECHNOLOGY China issues new rules to ensure safety, labeling, licensing of GMO crops . . . Page A-5 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7k2t3_ BROWNFIELDS Members of House panel meet to negotiate bill promoting cleanup, reuse . . . Page A-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8f0y7_ CLIMATE CHANGE Bush said not likely to bring plan to curb global warming to U.S.-EU summit . . . Page AA-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8h0r4_ Italian minister defies new PM, supports European position on Kyoto ratification . . . Page A-9 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g2p5_ Research council study should move bush toward carbon dioxide cuts, advocate says . . . Page AA-2 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8h7g2_ CONGRESS Lieberman to scrutinize administration on environmental decisions, energy supply . . . Page A-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e1f6_ ENERGY House Republicans abandon effort on California electricity legislation . . . Page A-5 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7d6b8_ ENFORCEMENT EPA waives $350,000 in potential fines after alleged violations disclosed . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g3j4_ ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Minority residents of Phoenix allege racism in class action . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8f5b9_ GREAT LAKES Michigan Democrat to introduce bans on oil drilling, ballast discharges . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e7c5_ HAZARDOUS WASTE IBM seeks RCRA exemption for sludge at semiconductor plant in New York . . . Page A-3 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a3f6_ INTERNATIONAL ISSUES EU environment ministers agree on electronic goods recycling regime . . . Page A-7 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e7r1_ PESTICIDES EPA supports industry program for educating consumers about treated wood . . . Page A-11 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e4f5_ RESEARCH Learning, recall abilities reduced in adults eating PCB-contaminated fish . . . Page A-10 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e5k0_ TEXAS State regulators settle industry lawsuit filed over Houston air plan . . . Page A-11 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g1t6_ TOXIC SUBSTANCES Industry faults exposure levels for phenol, perchloromethyl mercaptan . . . Page A-6 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7a1a4_ TRADE Advisory panel calls for faster review of complaints under NAFTA side pact . . . Page A-8 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7k2k9_ WATER POLLUTION Wal-Mart agrees to pay $5.5 million to settle alleged storm water violations . . . Page A-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e0c3_ IN BRIEF Bill promotes nuke waste alternatives . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g4f1_ Canada considers exemptions for ozone-depleters . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8c3y5_ Illinois air quality improved, report finds . . . Page A-14 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/A0A4G8H0Y0_ Official nominated for EPA international post . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g4f4_ Plan to restore Florida harbor approved . . . Page A-14 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g7e8_ Report cites chemical hazards in homes . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7b3c1_ Washington telecommuting order signed . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8c3y8_ ________ CALENDAR ________ CONGRESS Legislative calendar . . . Page C-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8m2r5_ PRESIDENT President's calendar . . . Page C-6 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8m3g4_ _________________ REGULATORY AGENDA _________________ COMMENT DEADLINES Due dates for comments on pending rules . . . Page D-4 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7h7w4_ JUNE 8 FEDERAL REGISTER Entries from today's table of contents . . . Page D-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8c6b7_ JUNE 7 FEDERAL REGISTER Previous day's entries with page citations . . . Page D-4 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g7h7x7_ ______________ TABLE OF CASES ______________ Business Consortium for Clean Air Appeal Group v TNRCC (Tex. Dist. Ct.) . . . Page A-11 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8g1t6_ Holden v. Arch Chemicals Inc. (Ariz. Super. Ct.) . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8f5b9_ Holden v. Arizona (Ariz. Super. Ct.) . . . Page A-13 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8f5b9_ United States v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (W.D. Ark.) . . . Page A-1 http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/den.nsf/id/a0a4g8e0c3_ __________ Daily Environment Report (ISSN 1521-9402) Highlights are published daily by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., 1231 25th St., NW, Washington, DC 20037. For account information and changes, contact 1-800-372-1033 (M-F, 8:30 am-7:00 pm ET) To request retransmission or to order a copy of the summarized article, contact 1-800-452-7773 or e-mail bnaplus@bna.com. Copyright © 2001 by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Washington, D.C. 20037. Use of this service is subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement with BNA. Unauthorized access or distribution is prohibited.