Enron Mail

Subject:RE: LOEC Update for 2002 Contribution
Date:Fri, 8 Jun 2001 14:58:50 -0700 (PDT)


Enron has been giving $10,000 annually to the Law & Organizational Economics Center for several years for their programs providing economic education to state judges. I have been following the program and have been impressed by the quality of presentations and professors lecturing to state officials on such things as opportunity cost, cost/benefit analysis, and risk analysis. Many of these judges have not had much training in economics.

Attached is a note from Henry Butler about moving his program from the University of Kansas to Chapman University, which was due to an additional financial support and a better location for operations. A spreadsheet at the bottom shows the total number of state judges who have gone through his program since it began in the mid-1990s by state.

I have recommended to the Enron Foundation (Misha Siegel and Elyse Kalmans) that we renew the support in 2002. You opinion might be asked as well, so I wanted to provide this to you. If you have any questions, let me know.

- Rob

----- Forwarded by Rob Bradley/Corp/Enron on 06/08/2001 04:49 PM -----

"Butler, Henry N" <hbutler@ukans.edu< 06/08/2001 02:58 PM To: "'Rob.Bradley@enron.com'" <Rob.Bradley@enron.com< cc: "Butler, Paige V" <pbutler@ku.edu< Subject: RE: LOEC Update for 2002 Contribution


I've attached two documents:

First, an Excel Spreadsheet listing the number of judicial participants by
court and state. We do not ask the judges for their political affiliations.
In many states, the judges are elected in "nonpartisan" elections -- of
course, it is usually pretty clear who is what. I imagine that there is a
"selection bias" toward more conservative judges -- however, even if there
is such a bias, our programs are still very valuable when in comes to making
our civil justice system more predictable. Even the pro-business judges
need to understand how to articulate the economic reasoning that supports
their pro-business instincts. We provide them with the tools to be more

Second, a generic description of Chapman from their P.R. office. Rest
assured, the church does not play a major role in the University.

Also, I wanted to mention to you a significant connection between Chapman
University and Enron. The most important player at Chapman is George L.
Argyros. George is Chairman of the Board of Trustees and a very loyal
financial supporter of the University. I will be Dean of the George L.
Argyros School of Business and Economics. George has been nominated by
President Bush as Ambassador to Spain.

George Argyros is also Chairman Emeritus & Treasurer of the Horatio Alger
Association. Kenneth L. Lay is Executive Vice President of the Horatio
Alger Association.

I suspect that Mr. Argyros and Mr. Lay have worked closely in their
leadership capacities with the Horatio Alger Association.

I would hope that this connection would result in a much larger contribution
to the Chapman LOEC. Do you have any suggestions about how to proceed?

Checks should be made payable to "Chapman LOEC" and sent to me at the
address below.

Thanks for Enron's support.

Hope all is well with you.



P.S. I will be out of the office all next week on vacation.

Henry N. Butler, J.D., Ph.D.
Koch Distinguished Professor of Law and Economics
Director, Law and Organizational Economics Center
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045
785-864-5702 (fax)

Henry N. Butler
(new address as of July 16, 2001)
Dean, The Argyros School of Business and Economics
James Farley Professor of Economics
Chapman University
One University Drive
Orange, CA 92866
714-744-7890 (fax)

- Overview of Chapman.doc
- June 2001 Judicial Participant Numbers by State and Court.xls