Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Mahonia X Advance Payment Guarantee Bond/Hartford Bond#61BSAP3909
Date:Tue, 13 Nov 2001 13:18:55 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Bouillion, James L. =20
Sent:=09Friday, November 09, 2001 3:25 PM
To:=09McMahon, Jeffrey; Derrick Jr., James
Cc:=09Sekse, Per; Deffner, Joseph; Armogida, Jim
Subject:=09FW: Mahonia X Advance Payment Guarantee Bond/Hartford Bond=09#61=

I will send a copy of the letter when it arrives.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09"Phil Bair" <pbair@jwortham.com <mailto:pbair@jwortham.com<<@ENRON=
Sent:=09Friday, November 09, 2001 2:56 PM
To:=09Bouillion, James L.
Subject:=09Mahonia X Advance Payment Guarantee Bond/Hartford Bond=09#61BSAP=

Jim-On the last advance payment bond we executed in December 2000, Hartford=
participated at a limit of $52.8 million. A separate and specific indemni=
ty agreement was executed by Enron in favor of Hartford which contains a tr=
igger collateral call event for 100% security in the form of a letter of cr=
edit if the credit rating of Enron falls below BBB or Baa2. (There is an o=
ption to have the bond terminated in lieu of posting a LOC, but I doubt if =
that is a viable alternative). Hartford called today and indicated with th=
e downgrade this morning by Moody's, we are now at the edge of the trigger =
event. They are sending a letter to the attention of your general counsel =
confirming this condition in the indemnity agreement. I've asked them to =
send me a telefax of the letter, which I will forward to you. This is not =
a call for collateral at this point; Hartford simply wants to reinforce the=
potential requirement. I'm sending a copy of this to Joe Deffner so he wi=
ll know what is transpiring if he gets a call.

Call if you have any questions. Thanks.

Philip N. Bair
713-346-1378 (Telephone)
713-520-1260 (Telefax)
pbair@jwortham.com <mailto:pbair@jwortham.com<