Enron Mail

To:rex.rogers@enron.com, legal <.schuler@enron.com<, c..williams@enron.com
Subject:FW: Reliance's Appeal
Date:Tue, 13 Nov 2001 12:20:29 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Wallace, Stephen
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 11:27 AM
To: Derrick Jr., James; Walls Jr., Rob
Cc: Harris, Stephanie J
Subject: FW: Reliance's Appeal

For your information.


Stephen Wallace
Enron Global Exploration & Production Inc.
Suite 3809, 3 Allen Center
333 Clay Street
Houston TX 77002 U.S.A.
Phone 713.646.7211
Fax 713.646.8519
Cell ph. 713.503.3946

-----Original Message-----
From: Wallace, Stephen
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 11:25 AM
To: Sherrick, Jeffrey; Stewart, Mike; Morse, Larry; Phillips, Rick; Sattuluri, Radhakrishna; Smalling, Michael J.
Subject: Reliance's Appeal

On Thursday November 9, Judge Richard Aikens of the High Court in London heard oral arguments from the parties' counsel as to whether he should grant Reliance's application to appeal certain points decided by the arbitrators in the partial awards rendered in the case of Enron Oil & Gas India Ltd. vs. Reliance and ONGC.

On Friday November 10, the judge issued a letter denying Reliance's application, with a statement to the effect that he would issue a formal order with reasons at a later date.

The judge has now given Reliance (and ONGC) a deadline of November 19 to submit to him (if they so choose) a justification as to whether he should allow them to appeal his decision to the English Court of Appeal.

By copy of this note I request Mike Smalling to forward to Larry, Rick, and Radha a copy of the judge's letter of November 10.


Stephen Wallace
Enron Global Exploration & Production Inc.
Suite 3809, 3 Allen Center
333 Clay Street
Houston TX 77002 U.S.A.
Phone 713.646.7211
Fax 713.646.8519
Cell ph. 713.503.3946