Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: Temporary Staffing for Shareholder Litigation Suits
Date:Wed, 14 Nov 2001 12:50:58 -0800 (PST)

Jim Derrick

-----Original Message-----
From: Beth Moore <bethm@ahlr.com<@ENRON [NOTES:Beth Moore <bethm@ahlr.com<@ENRON]
To: Cheek, Charles <Charles.Cheek@ENRON.com<
CC: Derrick Jr., James <James.Derrick@ENRON.com<; Davis, Britt <Britt.Davis@ENRON.com<; 'bdavis@enron.com' <bdavis@enron.com<; Siess, Kathy <Kathy.Siess@ENRON.com<
Sent: Wed Nov 14 13:28:31 2001
Subject: Temporary Staffing for Shareholder Litigation Suits

November 14, 2001


Wanted to pass along my appreciation to you for considering Ad Hoc Legal
Resources in filling Britt Davis' recent need for a temporary paralegal.
As you probably know, our employee, Barbara O'Banion, started in the
position earlier this week. I will be calling Britt soon to check on
Barbara's progress.

On a separate note, I want to offer you our services as you and your legal
team strategize your defense of the recent shareholder suits. Ad Hoc has
been an integral component in staffing complex, multi-party litigation for
companies of your size -- we have supplied as many as 90 temps on a single
piece of litigation. We have considerable experience designing and
recruiting flexible, cost-efficient teams of knowledgeable legal
professionals who can handle the routine aspects of a document review,
while your permanent staff works on more sophisticated matters. Likewise,
as your transactional counterparts at Enron begin working on the merger's
due diligence review, I hope Ad Hoc can offer its experience. We supplied
the largest number of temporary lawyers and paralegals to conduct document
reviews in both the El Paso/Coastal and Exxon/Mobil mergers. We were also
involved in the Chevron/Texaco merger and the Waste Management buyout.

Please do not hesitate to call on me at any time if I can be of assistance.
Again, thank you for confidence in our services.

Best regards,

Beth Moore
E-mail: bmoore@ahlr.com