Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Dabhol Power Project - GOI Guarantee Arbitration
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:08:45 -0800 (PST)

I will support your and Chris's decision. Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Harris, Stephanie J
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 10:14 AM
To: Derrick Jr., James
Subject: FW: Dabhol Power Project - GOI Guarantee Arbitration

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce.Lundstrom@enron.com@ENRON
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 8:57 AM
To: Harris, Stephanie J
Cc: Rob.Walls.enronXgate@enron.com
Subject: FW: Dabhol Power Project - GOI Guarantee Arbitration

Jim -

I'm attaching an e-mail from Chris Walker and a letter from Arthur

Arthur has been invited by the 2 existing arbitrators to act as the third
arbitrator in the existing GOI Guarantee arbitration. Christopher supports
Arthur's participation.

However, Arthur and his firm have some Enron involvement. First, he
represents Shell on the Cuiba project. Second, some of Arthur's partners
(and not Arthur) have been advising some of the Indian lenders on aspects
of NY law. Neither of these representations particularly bother
Christopher but he wants to make sure that it does not bother Enron.

Can you let me know today if you believe that these issues present a
problem for Arthur acting as the 3rd arbitrator?


---------------------- Forwarded by Bruce Lundstrom/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
10/29/2001 08:51 AM ---------------------------

"Walker, Christopher" <christopher.walker@linklaters.com< on 10/29/2001
08:39:51 AM

To: "'Bruce.Lundstrom@enron.com'" <Bruce.Lundstrom@enron.com<

Subject: FW: Dabhol Power Project - GOI Guarantee Arbitration


In order to stand this one up for 9th November 2001, I am going to need to
go back to Arthur Marriott QC tommorrow. Can you let me know whether you
foresee any difficulty with the potential conflicts to which he refers.

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Walker, Christopher
< Sent: 26 October 2001 16:21
< To: 'Bruce.Lundstrom@enron.com'
< Cc: 'Paul.Kraske@enron.com'; 'Gail.Brownfeld@enron.com';
< 'jw1000mac@yahoo.com'; Walker, Christopher; Reid, Greg; Quinn, Kelly
< Michael
< Subject: Dabhol Power Project - GOI Guarantee Arbitration
< Bruce,
< Arthur Marriott QC has written to the parties to clear conflicts.
< I know nothing about his third point. His fourth point is
< self-explanatory.
< The fourth point is not one which I would find troubling. I would trust
< him to keep the issues in the arbitration confidential,and the arbitral
< appointment is essentially personal to him. However,all of that may be
< seen differently from a US perspective.
< I would like to go back to him as promptly as is feasible.
< <<From Arthur Marriott.tif<<


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(See attached file: From Arthur Marriott.tif)

- From Arthur Marriott.tif << File: From Arthur Marriott.tif <<