Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Elektro's Board Members
Date:Thu, 17 May 2001 17:45:43 -0700 (PDT)

Steph, please send them the one we recently furnished to the ADL. Thank yo=

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Harris, Stephanie J =20
Sent:=09Thursday, May 17, 2001 4:51 PM
To:=09Derrick Jr., James
Subject:=09FW: Elektro's Board Members

Mr. Derrick, which bio. do you want me to send. We have all of them on fil=
e and I can just attach it and send it. Thanks, S

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Muchmore, Nancy =20
Sent:=09Thursday, May 17, 2001 4:47 PM
To:=09Brelsford, Loretta; Blackwood, Connie; Harris, Stephanie J; Van Houte=
n, Leigh Ann
Subject:=09Re: Elektro's Board Members

As you can see below, I have been asked by someone at Elektro to provide a =
mini-biography for each of Mr. Derrick, Ms. McDonald, Mr. Hughes and Mr. So=
mmers. =20

I'm hoping that you all keep something like this available for speeches, et=
c. If so, would you please send them to me asap? I will forward to Mr. Li=

Thanks very much for your help!

Please call me at ext. 66197 if you have any questions or if I can help dra=
ft some appropriate language.

----- Forwarded by Nancy Muchmore/NA/Enron on 05/17/2001 04:44 PM -----

=09"Harley Lima" <DCMP#c#DCMP.PCMP#c#hlima@elektro.com.br <mailto:DCMP#c#DC=
MP.PCMP#c#hlima@elektro.com.br<< 05/17/2001 04:48 PM =09 To: Nancy.Muchmo=
re@enron.com <mailto:Nancy.Muchmore@enron.com< cc: Subject: Re: Elektro'=
s Board Members=09


I will need more details about each Elektro's Board of Directors Members.

Please see an example of Mr. Rick Lynn Waddell's resum? that was published =
past year in the report I have mentioned.

Rick Lynn Waddell - Vice President of Enron International, located in Houst=
on, Texas, USA, and Legal Counsil of Enron South America Ltd., located in S=
ao Paulo, Brazil. Before becoming a member of Enon International, in 1996, =
has worked as Logistics & Procuremet Local Manager of Wal-Mart Internationa=
l in South America. While working at Wal-Mart, was engaged in projects to i=
mplement a logistic network in order to link capital sources and retail pro=
ducts in Asia, USA and South America to new store projects in Brazil and Ar=
gentina. Also served, during 12 years, the US Army and, as the most importa=
nt point of his carrier, was designated as Director for European Affairs of=
White House Nacional Security Council, Washington, D.C., USA. He has got h=
is Ph.D in International Affairs from Columbia University in 1990 and bache=
lor degree in Science from the US Military Academy in 1982. He has also got=
graduated courses from Webster and Oxford universities. He is author of se=
veral books and articles published in newspaper and magazines.

I am not sure if I have tanslated in good sharp his resum?, but could you p=
lease provide me with something like this?=20

Thanks in advance.


<<< <Nancy.Muchmore@enron.com <mailto:Nancy.Muchmore@enron.com<< 17/05/01 1=
5:09 <<<
Dear Harley:

Here is the information which I provided to Vasco a couple of weeks ago.
Hope this is what you are looking for.

----- Forwarded by Nancy Muchmore/NA/Enron on 05/17/2001 01:08 PM -----
Nancy Muchmore =
To: "Vasco Ferraz" <DCMP#c#DCM=
P.PCMP#c#VFerraz@elektro.com.br <mailto:DCMP#c#DCMP.PCMP#c#VFerraz@elektro.=
com.br<< =20
04/27/2001 cc: Britaldo.soares@enron.com =
<mailto:Britaldo.soares@enron.com<, =
ncalves@elektro.com.br <mailto:DCMP#c#DCMP.PCMP#c#DCMP.PCMP#c#SGoncalves@el=
ektro.com.br<, =20
John.Novak@enron.com <mailto:John.=
Novak@enron.com<, Orlando.Gonzalez@enron.com <mailto:Orlando.Gonzalez@enron=
.com< =20
Subject: Re: Elektro's Board M=
embers(Document link: Nancy Muchmore) =20


Attached is the information you requested for each of Rebecca, Jim, Jim and
Jeff. Please let me know if you need further information. My phone number
in Houston is 713-646-6197.


(See attached file: EGA qualifications-english.doc)

"Vasco Ferraz" =
<DCMP#c#DCMP.PCMP#c#VFerraz@elekt To: Nancy.=
Muchmore@enron.com =20
ro.com.br< cc: DCMP#c=
#DCMP.PCMP#c#DCMP.PCMP#c#SGoncalves@elektro.com.br <mailto:DCMP#c#DCMP.PCMP=
#c#DCMP.PCMP#c#SGoncalves@elektro.com.br<, =20
s@enron.com <mailto:Britaldo.soares@enron.com<, John.Novak@enron.com <mailt=
o:John.Novak@enron.com<, =20
04/27/2001 11:25 AM Orlando.Gonzal=
ez@enron.com <mailto:Orlando.Gonzalez@enron.com< =
Subject: E=
lektro's Board Members =20

Dear Nancy:
Among others, Rebecca McDonald, Jim Derrik, Jim Hughes and Jeff Sommers
were appointed to be members of Elektro's Board of Directors.
They will be formally elected as such during a Shareholders' Meeting that
will take place this Monday, 30th of April at 10:00 AM and in order to
vote the slate with the new members I need their full names, nationality,
profession, if they are married or not, their commercial address and, since
they do not live in Brazil, their Passport numbers.
Could you provide this information to me if possible today.
Should you have any doubt, please call me.(55 19 3726 15446)
Thank you so very much