Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Notice of Meeting and Request to waive notice
Date:Fri, 30 Nov 2001 06:51:10 -0800 (PST)

David, I have signed the waiver of notice; it is being faxed to you. All the best. Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Minns, David
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 1:20 AM
To: Derrick Jr., James
Cc: Mason, Heidi; Quilkey, Paul
Subject: Notice of Meeting and Request to waive notice

Jim, on Friday Sydney time the Regulator withdrew Enron Australia Finance Pty Ltd's licence to trade power derivatives in Australia. To ensure the Directors of that company are discharging their obligations to monitor the company's solvency we have scheduled a Board meeting in Sydney for 8:30 am Monday morning Sydney time (3.30pm Sunday Houston time). If you would like to participate in the meeting please just email me the phone number you will be on and we will call you. If you are unable to participate we will handle and keep you advised of developments.

So we may call this meeting and other meetings without the requisite 2 Business Days Notice Period would you please sign this email at the place indicated below and fax back to me on 612 9229 2350.

Thanks for the assistance.

David Minns
Company Secretary

Waiver of Requirement to Give Notice

I James Vinson Derrick Jnr, being a director of Enron Australia Finance Pty Ltd pursuant to Article 22.4(a) of the Articles of Association, hereby waive the requirement to give at least 2 Business Days notice of every Directors' meeting.

James Vinson Derrick Jnr

Dated: 30 November 2001