Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Will Jim Derrick be there next Thursday?
Date:Fri, 5 Oct 2001 16:57:25 -0700 (PDT)

Michael, I am currently scheduled to be in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday and Thursday, returning to Houston Thursday night. If my schedule changes so that I can be at your event, I certainly shall. I admire the way in which you are running your campaign. All the best. Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Berry <iam@michaelberry.com<@ENRON
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 12:16 PM
To: Derrick Jr., James
Subject: Will Jim Derrick be there next Thursday?


As a reminder, our big luncheon fundraiser will be next Thursday. Thanks for agreeing to
be on the host team. I can tell you it opened doors for me!

I have attached an invitation. I hope you can make it. We're having a host table, and I
hope you can be there. Please let me know. I know Enron legal is having a meeting (in
the Woodlands?) that day, but if you could stop by it would be great.
Thanks for your support.


Michael Berry Campaign
223 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77006
Phone 713.522.6138
Fax 713.522.3286
E-mail: iam@michaelberry.com << File: mailto:iam@michaelberry.com <<
Web: www.michaelberry.com << File: http://www.michaelberry.com/ << (includes finance committee and on-line contribution link)

- HoustonClub InviteFaxNEW.pdf << File: HoustonClub InviteFaxNEW.pdf <<