Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Would like to help...
Date:Mon, 12 Nov 2001 07:25:29 -0800 (PST)

Steve, thank you for the message. I have forwarded a copy of your resume to Bob Williams, the Enron litigation manager who is coordinating the effort. All the best. Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: "Julie Newton" <jnewton@ev1.net<@ENRON
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 12:07 PM
To: Derrick Jr., James
Subject: Would like to help...

Jim -

I'm glad we got to say a brief hello several Mondays ago, when I was in your shop for a couple of days helping with a third party document production. That was, I believe, just the day before all hell broke loose at Enron.

As a strong admirer of the Enron legacy, it has been sad for me to watch events unfold over the last month. Also, I sincerely hope you will be OK personally and in good shape professionally when all the smoke finally clears.

This note is also a reminder that, with the enormous gatherings of inf0rmation facing your organization in the coming months -- between investigations, due diligence, and shareholder suit discovery -- I am still available to come help with those needs. Over and above my self-serving interest in having the work, on a very personal level I'd like to be able to help out.

In case it is needed, another copy of my resume is attached.

Good luck, Jim, and hang tough.

281.597.8366 (home)
832.277.8366 (office)
- SNewtRes.doc << File: SNewtRes.doc <<