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----- Forwarded by Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT on 04/02/2001 03:59 PM -----
=09Chris Walker =0904/02/2001 03:15 PM =09=09=20 =09=09 To: Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Ruscitti/HOU/ECT@ECT =09=09 cc: Savita Puthigai/Enron@EnronXGate, Kevin Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRO= N,=20 Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT =09=09 Subject: Re: Secondary firm delivery Stacy, Please see the latest description for Kevin's secondary firm product and l= et=20 us know of any suggestions/changes. Kevin R.- The currency and unit of measure must be stated last on EnronOnline. Also= ,=20 there cannot be italicized or bolded text. Thanks, CW 3-7533 A US gas transaction with Enron North America Corp., under which Seller sha= ll=20 sell and Buyer shall purchase a quantity of natural gas equal to the Daily= =20 Contract Quantity at the Contract Price on a Secondary Firm basis. The=20 Contract Price shall be as submitted by Counterparty via the Website. The= =20 Period of Delivery shall be from the Effective Date through the Termination= =20 Date. =20 The term of the Transaction shall correspond to the date(s) set forth in th= e=20 Product Description on the Website. The Transaction is for delivery at an ANR Pipeline Company ML7 interconnect= . =20 The Purchaser will determine at what ML7 interconnect to take delivery. Th= e=20 volumes Delivered by the Seller are subject to reductions due to operationa= l=20 constraints on the ANR Pipeline system. In the event that scheduled volumes= =20 are reduced due to pipeline operational constraints, Buyer will designate a= n=20 alternate ML7 delivery location until an unconstrained point is designated.= =20 In the event that the Buyer cannot take receipt at an alternative ML7 point= ,=20 the Buyer must arrange for the gas to be delivered off-system, stored or=20 parked at the Buyer=01,s expense. These reductions due to Pipeline System= =20 constraints are not considered a failure to perform by the Purchaser. The price is quoted in US dollars per unit of volume, which will be the=20 Contractual Currency. The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be millions of= =20 British Thermal Units (BTUs) and the quantity shown shall be in millions of= =20 BTUs per day. ---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Walker/HOU/ECT on 04/02/2001 02:4= 8=20 PM --------------------------- From: Kevin Ruscitti on 04/02/2001 02:20 PM To: Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: =20 Subject: Re: Secondary firm delivery =20 Chris, Please take a look at the attached language and forward it to Stacey for he= r=20 comments. Thanks, Kevin Chris Walker 03/27/2001 12:07 PM To: Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Kevin Ruscitti/HOU/ECT@ECT=20 Subject: Secondary firm delivery Stacy, Kevin Ruscitti has requested a secondary firm ANR ML7 phy gas product for= =20 EOL. I have located some language that you and Dale worked on back in May = of=20 2000. Please let me know if this language will be OK for our needs. Also,= =20 will the current GTC for Phy gas need to be revised in any way? Thanks, CW 3-7533 A US Gas Transaction with Enron North America Corp., under which Seller sha= ll=20 sell and Buyer shall purchase a quantity of natural gas equal to the Daily= =20 Contract Quantity at the Contract Price on a secondary firm basis. The=20 Contract Price shall be as submitted by Counterparty via the Website. The= =20 Period of Delivery shall be from the Effective Date through the Termination= =20 Date. The term of the Transaction shall correspond to the date(s) set forth in th= e=20 Product description on the Website. The transaction is for delivery at the ANR Pipeline Company ML7=20 interconnect. The volumes scheduled to be delivered are subject to=20 reductions due to normal operational constraints on the ANR Pipeline Compa= ny=20 pipelines based upon historical operating conditions. The reductions cause= d=20 by these constraints are excused nonperformance and are not considered a=20 failure to receive or deliver firm gas. In the event that the volumes=20 scheduled are reduced due to such normal operational constraints, Buyer may= =20 designate a secondary firm delivery location. The price is quoted in US Dollars per unit of volume, which will be the=20 Contractual Currency. The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be millions of= =20 British thermal units and the quantity shown shall be in millions of BTUs p= er=20 day.