Enron Mail

Subject:[Fwd: FW: Wild Goose Open Season Package]
Date:Thu, 19 Apr 2001 02:58:00 -0700 (PDT)


I am attempting to re-deliver an e-mail that was addressed in error
originally. Please take a moment to review this forwarded Open Season
offer from our client company, Wild Goose Storage.

Thanks very much,

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From: mbaldwin@igservice.com
To: "Suzanne McFadden" <smcfadden@igservice.com<
Subject: FW: Wild Goose Open Season Package
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:55:16 -0700
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ledene, Ben [mailto:BenLedene@aec.ca]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:07 PM
To: Mark Baldwin (E-mail)
Subject: FW: Wild Goose Open Season Package

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Ledene, Ben
< Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:39 PM
< To: Kathy Russeth (E-mail)
< Subject: FW: Wild Goose Open Season Package
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Ledene, Ben
< Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:53 PM
< To: Alan Vallow; Angela Jones; Angela Jones (E-mail); Barry Brunelle
< (E-mail); Bill Collier; Bill Fagan (E-mail); Bill Wood; Brad Barnds
< (E-mail); Brent Balog; Brent Rook (E-mail); Carole Poulter; Cathy Bulf;
< Chris Kiriakou; Chris Price (E-mail); Colin Coe (E-mail); Dan Thomas;
< Daniel Kramer; Dave Clare (E-mail); Dave Jones (E-mail); Dave Kohler
< (E-mail); David Ellis (E-mail); David Kuhn; David Schnake; David Swapp;
< Denette Johnson (E-mail); Denis St. Jean; Don Clements (E-mail); Dorothy
< Rothrock; Ed Brewer (E-mail); Ed Yates; Edward Miller; Elena Schmid; Erin
< Mullane; Frank Ermis (E-mail); Gary Collins; Gary Kline (E-mail); Gary
< Venz (E-mail); Greg Salyer; Gwoon Tom (E-mail); Janet Aery; Jason
< Sandmaier (E-mail); Jay Cattermole; Jim Harlan; Jim Lynch; Joe Heller
< (E-mail); Joe Holmes; John Emley; Joseph Sestak (E-mail); Junona Jonas;
< Karen Jarrell; Katie Elder; Ken Bradley; Ken Downey; Ken Peck; Kevin Coyle
< (E-mail); Kevin Legg (E-mail); Kirk Ketcherside (E-mail); Kirk Kittleson;
< Kirk Morgan; Kirk Stone; KoKo Cordova; LoreLei Reid (E-mail); Lynn
< Dahlberg; Mark Baldwin (E-mail); Marshall Clark; Marty McFadden; Matt
< Gravelle; Micael Rochman; Michael D'arienzo; Michael Shoemaker (E-mail);
< Michelle Lokay; Mike Beckner (E-mail); Monica Padilla (E-mail); Nathan
< Reinhardt (E-mail); Pat Abercrombie (E-mail); Pat Keener; Patrick Mulhern;
< Paul Amirault; Paul Gendron (E-mail); Paul Wood; Peter Lund; Phil
< Richardson; Ray McCluer (E-mail); Richard Stone; Sandra Henry; Scott W.
< Walton (E-mail); Stan Hemmeline; Stephanie Katz; Stephen J. Swain
< (E-mail); Steve Izarry; Steve South (E-mail); Sue Gustofson; Susan Jones
< (E-mail); Sylvia Pollan; Teresa Murray; Terry Stringer; Thomas Hannigan;
< Todd Slawson; Tom Lee; Tom Toerner (E-mail); Trista Berkovitz (E-mail);
< Troy W. Brothers (E-mail); Valdez; Weaman Ng (E-mail)
< Subject: Wild Goose Open Season Package
< Expansion Firm Base Load Storage ("BLS") Service Open Season
< Wild Goose Storage Inc. is planning to expand its facility located in
< Butte County in northern California and connected to PG&E for service
< commencing as early as April 1, 2003. This expansion could increase the
< facility capacities as follows:
< Existing Capacity Capacity Following Expansion
< Working Gas Volume 14 Bcf 38
< Bcf
< Maximum Injection Rate 80 MMcfd 450
< MMcfd
< Maximum Withdrawal Rate 200 MMcfd 650 MMcfd
< This open season provides for an in-service date commencing April 1, 2004
< and an opportunity to participate in an "early service option" which could
< have service available by April 1, 2003. The in-service date is subject to
< CPUC approval by September 1, 2002 and the successful completion of new
< facility construction.
< Customer offers are required by 2:00 pm MST, Tuesday May 22, 2001
< Customer offers must be reasonably open for acceptance by Wild Goose
< Storage Inc. until 2:00 pm MST, Wednesday June 20, 2001 subject only to
< significant changes in market conditions and final approval of customer's
< management. Preference for offer acceptance will be toward longer-term
< contracts (greater than 5 years) and offers, which exceed 100% of our rack
< rate. The offer sheets are provided in Microsoft Excel and are set up to
< calculate the percentage of rack rate for your convenience. It is the
< intent of Wild Goose Storage Inc. to negotiate and conclude contracts with
< the participants providing acceptable offers in this open season as close
< as possible to June 20, 2001. Wild Goose will announce to all contracted
< participants whether it will proceed with the expansion in early August
< 2001. Wild Goose Storage Inc. reserves the right to not necessarily accept
< the highest priced offer nor to award all or any of the storage capacity
< available.
< A reasonable summary of the main terms and features of BLS service is
< attached for your convenience (Attached File - BLS Summary), but should
< not be used as the sole terms by which service is to be provided. All
< service is subject to the Tariff Schedules for Natural Gas Storage Service
< of Wild Goose Storage Inc., as approved by the Public Utilities Commission
< of the State of California.
< For more information about Wild Goose Storage Inc. or to download a copy
< of the entire tariff please refer to our web site at
< www.wildgoose-storage.com.
< Customer offers must include the following:
< A) Completed Offer Forms (Attached File - Offer Sheets) for each period of
< service including:
< * the amount of Inventory Capacity Required for each April to March
< period during the term
< * the amount of Maximum Daily Injection Quantity Required by month
< during the term
< * the amount of Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity Required by month
< during the term
< * the Total Storage Demand Charge for each April to March period
< during the term
< * the Injection Commodity Rate for each April to March period during
< the term
< * the Withdrawal Commodity Rate for each April to March period during
< the term
< * a signature from an authorized employee of the company verifying the
< offer
< In the 'Offer Sheets' file attachment you will find the following tabs at
< the bottom:
< * an offer sheet in Excel format
< * a manual offer sheet which can be printed out and filled in by hand
< * an example offer
< B) An executed Storage Services Agreement (Attached File - Storage
< Services Agreement) unless your company already has one on file with Wild
< Goose Storage Inc.
< Early Service Option
< Once Wild Goose Storage Inc. gives notice in early August 2001 to proceed
< with the expansion, every effort will be made to complete construction as
< early as possible. Notice will be given by November 1, 2002 if service
< will be available earlier than April 1, 2004. All contracted participants
< will have the right, but not the obligation, to amend their contracts to
< the earlier term start date and add this additional service to their
< existing contracts at the same fees negotiated for the first year of
< service commencing April 1, 2004.
< Rack Rates
< Our rates are 'market based' meaning they are fully negotiable, but our
< 'rack rates' are as follows:
< Monthly Storage Demand Charges
< * Inventory($/Dth) $0.03
< * Injection ($/Dth/day) $3.00
< * Withdrawal ($/Dth/day) $2.00
< Variable Charges
< * Injection Commodity Rate ($/Dth) $0.02
< * Withdrawal Commodity Rate ($/Dth) $0.02
< Fuel Charges
< In addition to the Demand and Variable charges described above, fuel costs
< are also charged based on actual consumption by customer and the value of
< the gas on a daily basis. Fuel consumption is expected to be between 1.25
< to 1.75%. For details, please refer to the Wild Goose tariff.
< If you have any questions about this matter or need hard copies, please
< contact either Ben Ledene with Wild Goose in Calgary at (403) 266-8192 or
< Chris Price and Mark Baldwin with Interstate Gas Services in California at
< (925) 243-0350.
< <<BLS Summary.doc<< <<Expansion Offer Sheet.xls<< <<Storage Services
< Agreement.doc<< <<Wild Goose Expansion Open Season.doc<<

- BLS Summary.doc
- Expansion Offer Sheet.xls
- Storage Services Agreement.doc
- Wild Goose Expansion Open Season.doc