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Post Date: November 01, 2001
Category: SHORT-TERM FIRM CAPACITY Subcategory: NWP OFFERS Subject: 01-313 NWP Available Capacity Notice Text: All Shippers Notification: 01-313 Dated : November 1, 2001 NORTHWEST PIPELINE'S NOTICE OF AVAILABLE AND POTENTIALLY AVAILABLE FIRM TRANSPORTATION CAPACITY 1) If you are interested in discussing any of the Available or Potentially Available Capacity, please call Candace Karpakis at (801) 584-6996 (work) or at (801) 971-5983 (cellular). ********************************************************************** Capacity Below Available for TF-1 Service Only Total Available Pkg Receipt Point2) Delivery Point2) Dth/d Date3) B Sumas Kern River/Muddy Crk. 8,272 NOW- 05/31/03 14) B-1 Sumas Kern River/Muddy Crk. 1,500 12/01/01- 05/31/03 9)14) C Jackson Prairie(1160) Kemmerer 2,750 NOW Ignacio Plant(1590) C-1 Sumas Jackson Prairie 1,160 NOW- 05/31/03 8)14) D Jackson Prairie(2390) Monticello(330) 6,016 NOW Ignacio Plant(3,626) Rio Algom(300) Moab#2(1,861) Moab(2,283) Arches National Park(17) Vernal(653) Dutch John(125) Redwash(447) D-1 Sumas Jackson Prairie 2,390 NOW- 05/31/03 8)14) E Starr Road Inland Paper 830 NOW 8) F Stanfield Stanfield 3,681 12/01/01 9) F-1 Stanfield Stanfield 14,490 04/01/02 10) G Shute Creek Ignacio-Bondad (EPNG) 55,000 12/01/01 9) G-1 Shute Creek Ignacio-Bondad (EPNG) 20,000 NOW H Opal Plant Western Mkt Center 90,000 12/01/01 9) I Painter Muddy Creek (KERN) 8,351 NOW 8) I-1 Painter Muddy Creek (KERN) 35,000 12/01/01 9) J Western Mkt Center Crossover 16-Questar 50,415 12/01/01 7) 9) K Western Mkt Center Clay Basin` 4,585 12/01/01 7) 9) L Crossover 16 Green River-CIG 23,152 NOW 7) M Crossover 16 Clay Basin 10,000 12/01/01 7) 9) M-1 Crossover 16 Clay Basin 17,263 NOW 7) N Green Rvr/McKinn-CIG Clay Basin 18,152 NOW 7) N-1 Green Rvr/McKinn-CIG Clay Basin 5,000 12/01/01 7) 9) O Clay Basin Chevron Rangely(6093) 7,488 12/01/01 9) Vernal (1395) P Clay Basin Redwash/Questar 19,240 04/01/02 7) 9) Q Clay Basin Rifle 1,850 NOW 7) 8) Q-1 Clay Basin Rifle 7,770 12/01/01 7) 9) R Clay Basin American Soda Ash 1,140 NOW 7) 8) S Jensen (Ut Gas Svc) Green River-CIG 316 NOW 8) T Redwash/Chevron Green River-CIG 1,850 NOW 8) U Redwash/QPC Rifle 1,050 12/01/01 7) 9) V Greasewood Clay Basin 2,765 12/01/01 9) W Piceance Quick Cycle Green River-CIG 1,005 NOW 8) X Barrett Kern River 4,097 04/01/02 9) Y Barrett Green River-CIG 6,460 NOW 8) Z North Douglas Green River-CIG 3,178 NOW 8) AA Sand Springs Ignacio-Bondad (EPNG) 23,148 10/31/02 4) 9) BB West Douglas Clay Basin 2,354 NOW CC Calf Canyon(410) Kern River 703 01/01/02 9) Foundation Crk.(293) DD Lisbon Green River-CIG 2,600 NOW 8) EE Grand Valley Green River-CIG 1,137 NOW 8) FF Grand Gas Green River-CIG 1,000 NOW 8) GG Ignacio Plant Green River-CIG 10,000 12/01/01 9) GG-1 Ignacio Plant Green River-CIG 7,601 NOW 8) HH Ignacio Plant Grand Junction 4,000 12/01/01 9) HH-1 Ignacio Plant Grand Junction 4,310 NOW 8) II Ignacio Plant Ignacio -Bondad (EPNG) 25,000 NOW 8) II-1 Ignacio Plant Ignacio -Bondad (EPNG) 25,000 12/01/01 9) JJ Blanco Hub-TW Green River-CIG 20,000 12/01/01 9) JJ-1 Blanco Hub-TW Green River-CIG 1,500 12/01/01 10) JJ-2 Blanco Hub-TW Green River-CIG 30,452 NOW 8) JJ-3 Blanco Hub-TW Green River-CIG 23,511 04/01/02 9) JJ-4 Blanco Hub-TW Green River-CIG 10,000 06/08/02 9) ********************************************************************** Jackson Prairie Receipt Point Capacity Available for TF-1 or TF-2 Service as specified below KK Jackson Prairie SIPI 47,341 NOW 5)8) (55,715) Lynden 592 Lawrence 81 ACME 68 Mt. Vernon 115 Sedro/Woolley 3,988 LDS Church 133 Granite Falls 1,536 Machias 1,840 Snohomish 21 LL Jackson Prairie Echo Lake 33 NOW 5)8) (7,530) Duval/Cottage Lake 183 Redmond 3,293 May Valley 300 Lake Francis 2,808 Covington 263 Black Diamond 450 Enumclaw 200 MM Jackson Prairie Sedro/Woolley 8,300 05/01/04 5)10) NN Jackson Prairie South Lake 35,500 NOW 6) OO Jackson Prairie Idaho State Pen. 1,735 NOW 6) PP Jackson Prairie Kern River/Muddy Crk. 98,069 NOW 6) QQ Jackson Prairie Shute Creek 7,688 NOW 6) RR Jackson Prairie Pocatello 1,198 NOW 6) ************************************************************************ FOOTNOTES 1) This notification supersedes all previous Notices of Available and Potentially Available Capacity and is subject to change at any time. 2) Other receipt and delivery points utilizing the described transportation corridor may be available. 3) Potential Availability date for the Capacity. 4) Contracts shall include the following subordinate scheduling provision if the requested term extends into a critical operational period: To the extent Shipper's nominated volumes are not scheduled solely due to Shipper's subordinate scheduling priorities set forth below, the monthly base reservation charge will be discounted to $0.00 per Dth for that quantity only. Section 14.1©(i) of Northwest's tariff is modified to condition Shipper's primary corridor rights through any mainline constraint from the Sand Springs receipt point to the Ignacio Bondad (or LaPlata-TW) delivery point(s) to have a scheduling priority which will be subordinate to the scheduling priority for any firm shipper with primary corridor rights that encompass and extend beyond the Sand Springs to Ignacio Bondad (or LaPlata-TW) corridor. 5)Available for TF-1 or TF-2 transportation service. TF-2 service will not be discounted below Northwest's current Tariff filed rate for TF-2 service. Additionally, TF2 service must be linked to requester's designated storage contract or storage ownership right. TF-2 service shall include the following subordinate scheduling priority language: Section 14.1(d)(i) of Northwest's tariff is modified to condition Shipper's primary corridor rights from the Jackson Prairie receipt point to the _____________ delivery point to have a scheduling priority at any northflow constraint point in that corridor that is subordinate to the scheduling priority for any firm service with unconditioned primary corridor rights through such constraint point. 6) Available for TF-2 transportation service only. TF-2 service will not be discounted below Northwest's current Tariff filed rate for TF-2 service. Additionally, TF2 service must be linked to requester's designated storage contract or storage ownership right. TF-2 service shall include the following subordinate scheduling priority language: Section 14.1(d)(i) of Northwest's tariff is modified to condition Shipper's primary corridor rights from the Jackson Prairie receipt point to the _____________ delivery point to have a scheduling priority at any southflow constraint point in that corridor that is subordinate to the scheduling priority for any firm service with unconditioned primary corridor rights through such constraint point. 7) Capacity is not to exceed a one month primary term with evergreen language. Any offers with terms greater than one month will need to be evaluated for possible seasonal flow conditions that may restrict the available capacity beyond a one month term. 8) This capacity is currently under contract with an evergreen clause. This capacity can be made available by providing one business day written termination notification to the current holder of the capacity. This means that termination notification must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Mountain Current Time, 24 hours (1 business day) prior to the effective date of the contract termination. 9) This capacity is currently under contract with an evergreen clause. This capacity can be made available by providing ten business days prior written termination notification to the current holder of the capacity. This means termination notification must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Mountain Current Time on the eleventh business day prior to the beginning of the next month. 10) This capacity is currently under contract and does not contain an evergreen clause. 11) This capacity is "mitigated" capacity and will not contain an evergreen clause. 12) This capacity is available only for the term offered. No evergreen clause available. 13) This capacity is currently under contract with an evergreen clause. This capacity can be made available by providing a one year prior written termination notification to the current holder of the capacity. 14) This capacity is reserved for Northwest Pipeline's Evergreen Expansion Project effective June 1, 2003. ************************************************************************ PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING AVAILABLE AND POTENTIALLY AVAILABLE TRANSPORTATION CAPACITY To request Potentially Available Transportation Capacity available on the first day of December 2001, Shipper must submit a Prearranged Offer in the form of the Letter Agreement provided below. This Letter Agreement must be received by Northwest no later than 5:00 pm Central Time on November 13, 2001. Northwest will accept or reject the Prearranged Offer by no later than the end of the gas day on November 14, 2001. If the Prearranged Offer is acceptable, Northwest will provide a 10-business day prior termination notice to the current holder of the Capacity (this means that termination notification must be sent no later than 5:00 pm Mountain Current Time on the eleventh business day prior to the beginning of the next month). Northwest will then post the Prearranged Offer for competitive bid, and Award the capacity no later than two business days after the Bid Close Date. Unless otherwise specified in this posting, bids will be evaluated and awarded pursuant to the procedure set forth in Northwest's tariff. To request the Potentially Available Transportation Capacity with the one business day termination provisions as indicated by footnote "8)", Shipper must submit a Prearranged Offer in the form of the Letter Agreement provided below. Upon receipt of this Letter Agreement Northwest will either accept or reject the Prearranged Offer within 24-hours. If the Prearranged Offer is acceptable, Northwest will provide the one business day termination notice to the current holder of the Capacity, post the Prearranged Offer for bid, and Award the capacity no later than two business days after the Bid Close Date. Unless otherwise specified in this posting, bids will be evaluated and awarded pursuant to the procedure set forth in Northwest's tariff. To request Available Transportation Capacity, Shipper must immediately submit a Prearranged Offer in the form of the Letter Agreement provided below. Northwest will accept or reject the Prearranged Offer within two (2) business days of receipt of the prearranged offer. If the Prearranged Offer is acceptable, Northwest will post the Prearranged Offer for bid, and Award the capacity no later than two business days after the Bid Close Date. Unless otherwise specified in this posting, bids will be evaluated and awarded pursuant to the procedure set forth in Northwest's tariff. Northwest has the right to re-post Available capacity for bid with or without prearranged offers. _________________(Date) ____________________________ (Company Name) ____________________________ (Company Address) ____________________________ (City, State, Zip) VIA FACSIMILE - (801) 584-7076 Northwest Pipeline Corporation c/o Williams Gas Pipelines - West Attn: Candace C. Karpakis 295 Chipeta Way Salt Lake City, UT 84158 Re:Prearranged Offer for Available or Potentially Available Transportation Capacity on Williams' Northwest Pipeline Transmission System Dear Candace: _______________________ ("Shipper") submits the following bid for available or potentially available transportation capacity ("Capacity") designated as package _____ on Northwest Pipeline Corporation's ("Northwest") "Notice of Available or Potentially Available Firm Transportation Capacity" dated November 1, 2001. Shipper recognizes and agrees that the Capacity will be subject to the Special Conditions set forth in this posting. Shipper's request is or is not (circle one) contingent upon confirmation that its offered discount rate provides use of receipt/delivery points outside the receipt/delivery point corridor specified in the package. If maximum rate is offered, this provision does not apply. Shipper understands that its prearranged offer is subject to the Special Conditions described below. Shipper understands that Northwest will post the prearranged details of this offer for such Capacity for bidding and Shipper will have the right to match the highest bid value upon close of the bid process. Northwest will not disclose the identity of the prearranged bidder in such posting. Service Type: TF-1 Large Customer Contract Demand(Dth/d): ____________________ Receipt Point(s) ______________________________________________________ Delivery Point(s)______________________________________________________ Daily Reservation Rate: $_______/Dth (applicable surcharges, volumetric charge & fuel are additive) Term:______________________________to___________________________________ Evergreen Requested (circle one): Yes or No Identity of any affiliate of Northwest involved in Shipper's transaction: Indicate "None" or "Name the Affiliate": _________________________________________________ Northwest's acceptance of Shipper's prearranged offer for the Capacity will constitute a binding agreement between Northwest and Shipper. Shipper shall be awarded the Capacity at the terms agreed upon in this Letter Agreement if no bids are received with a greater economic value for such Capacity during the bid process. If Shipper elects to match a bid with a greater economic value, it shall be awarded the Capacity according to the terms of the matched bid. Shipper agrees to electronically execute a service agreement on Northwest's Electronic Bulletin Board which confirms the terms of the final accepted transaction. If you have questions or comments regarding the above referenced information, please contact __________________________ at ______________________(Phone Number) ______________________(Fax Number). Sincerely, ______________________________ (Name) ______________________________ (Title) (Accepted / Rejected) by Northwest: Date: _______________ Name: ________________________________ SPECIAL CONDITIONS (For Prearranged Offer Agreement) If the prearranged offer for the Capacity is accepted at a discount rate which provides for the use of receipt/delivery points outside the specified receipt/delivery point corridor for the Capacity, the accepted prearranged offered discount rate shall apply no matter which receipt and delivery points are utilized by Shipper, or any temporary replacement Shipper, under capacity release transactions, including segmented releases. If the accepted prearranged offered discount rate for the Capacity does not provide for use of receipt/delivery points outside the specified receipt/delivery point corridor for the Capacity, the accepted prearranged offered discount rate shall apply to Shipper, or any temporary replacement Shipper, only to the extent that both Shipper and any temporary replacement Shipper utilize receipt points within their respective primary firm receipt/delivery point to primary firm delivery point corridors, otherwise, Shipper will be liable for Northwest's maximum tariff rates. Word:F:\NWP Capacity Postings\2001 All Shipper Notices\01-313 11-01-01