Message Description: High Inventory System Wide OFO
Message Date: 11/23/2001
Message Text: High Inventory System Wide Operational Flow Order (SWOFO)
OFO Stage : 3
Inventory Level : High
Noncompliance Charge : $5.00/Dth
Tolerance Band : 1%
PG&E's CGT has called a High Inventory System Wide OFO for flow day 11/24/2001.
High Inventory: Customer supply is required to be within the tolerance band percentage of daily
usage to avoid OFO noncompliance charges. Supply lower than usage is not subject to OFO
noncompliance charge.
Charges for Noncompliance:
- Noncore customers with AMR and PG&E's Electric Generation charges are based on actual
daily metered usage.
- Noncore customers without AMR charges are based on ADQ
or actual daily metered usage, whichever results in a lesser charge.
- Core Procurement Group charges are based on the latest core load forecast.
Please call the CGT Helpline 1-800-343-4743 if you have any questions.
Gas Schedulers
PG&E - California Gas Transmission