Please CC Stacey neuweiler and Ami Chokshi on any wellhead changes. Thanks.
Tom Acton@ENRON
03/08/2000 11:48 AM
To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Well Heads
Daren, EOG called and said that the well behind 986296 which has been down
for a week from 7100 to 4400 for the last week or so needs to stay at the
4400 for the rest of the month. I changed the ticket for that. This was
per Suzanne Saldivar. Also Shoreline reduced the meter 6722 from 30 to 24.
also changed that. last Cody went from 7666 to 7600 at meter 6722. Both
Shoreline and Cody were per customer request.