Enron Mail

Subject:ENA 202 and HPL 216 Transport Contracts Needed at Meter 378 for
Date:Mon, 17 Apr 2000 03:56:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Aimee Lannou
X-To: Daren J Farmer
X-Folder: \Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Logistics
X-Origin: Farmer-D
X-FileName: dfarmer.nsf

Daren - Would there be a problem if I created a desk to desk for meter 378
for March 2000 going forward? It would help out with the allocation
process. The kind of deal I need is the total opposite of deal # 115101.
Please let me know if there is a problem. Volume management would like this
done today. Thanls.

- Aimee
---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 04/17/2000 10:51
AM ---------------------------

Fred Boas
04/17/2000 09:19 AM
To: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: ENA 202 and HPL 216 Transport Contracts Needed at Meter 378 for
March 2000


The ENA 012-27049-02-002 and HPL 012-41500-02-016 contract are not at Meter
378 for March 2000. I need for you to put the correct deal number for both
contracts in Path Manager.

We need the ENA 202 contract as a delivery and the HPL 216 as a receipt.
Please get the deal in the System this morning and let me know what the deal
numbers are and I will set up the arraignments and let you know what the
Track ID's are.

