Enron Mail

To:dave.nommensen@enron.com, christine.pham@enron.com, shawn.macphail@enron.com,debbie.keeton@enron.com, milind.patil@enron.com, michael.eiben@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, susie.llinas@enron.com, cin
Subject:Out on vacation
Date:Mon, 20 Dec 1999 07:36:00 -0800 (PST)

I will be out of the office ( actually out of the country ) starting from
22nd of Dec 1999 through the 20th of Jan 2000. I will be back in the
office on the 21st of Jan 2000.

In my absence please contact the following persons for any POPS
support questions/problems:

Christine Pham ext 34202
Shawn MacPhail ext 31837

POPS Support Pager : 713-796-4149 (pages oncall personell )
POPS Support Cellular: 713-562-2458 (oncall person carries this cell phone )

Have a great holiday season,
Romeo D'Souza