Enron Mail

To:pat.clynes@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,robert.cotten@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com, robert.llo
Subject:Weekend Notes
Date:Mon, 28 Aug 2000 01:58:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here are my notes, please let me know if you have any questions.

Weekend of August 26 =01) 28, 2000


? Celanese Bayport meter 8018 was ramping back up. Total nomination of=20
35,000 in Mops was pathed =01) transmitted nom to Pops and confirmed.
? Costilla , meter 9687 was still down 4,000 due to wellhead production=20
losses on Friday, expected short into the first of the week, possibly longe=
may need to fish the hole to bring the well back up.
? Costilla Pilgreen =01) Running high H2S, causing our valve to shut-in 13,=
MM=01,s (we changed our specs at the valve to accept 8 parts per mil for 3=
minutes last week, per Jill Zively). Louis Dreyfus was diverting the well =
another pipeline, per the contract that gas has to come to us or be shut-in=
. =20
We got the well back on Saturday afternoon, and all was well.
? All meters were updated in Pops for Satuday=01,s gas day.
? Christy w/ PG&E called with Cuts into the Hub:
Volume of 16,495 cut to 1,799
Volume of 15,000 cut to 6,845
? Meter 1505 lost two compressors and was about 2,000 short to us. This=20
issue was resolved.


? Shell meter 1060 cut back from 35,000 to 15,000; Shell lost two units. =
Also, seeing meter 1394 which dels to Shell back down from 10,000 to 5,000.
? Patty called re: the EPNG cuts, found out late afternoon that they are PC=
Pipeline Capacity Constraints, at the IVALEROW meter into PG&E.
? Joey Stanton with Duke called regarding some new production coming up. H=
wanted to sell it into HPL at Lonestar/Katy for Sunday and Monday. Paged=
Darren, we took the gas, it needs to be priced today. Duke let me know tha=
they would flow at a rate of 25,000/hour, and should average approximately=
12-15,000 for the day. Mark McCoy is working on getting a good meter total=
from Lonestar for Sunday, we need to get the deal in Sitara and confirm=20
today's gas day as well.
? Regarding PG&E, I do not have final Cycle 4 numbers (they come out around=
9pm on the gas day).

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend, and an educational one. Gas=20
control did a great job communicating and assisting to resolve issues. =20
Please check all meters impacted to make sure that I Pop=01,d and Mop=01,d=

Thank you,

Mary Jane