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---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Fisher/EWC/Enron on 07/10/2002 09:36
AM --------------------------- Joe Chapman 07/10/2002 08:45 AM To: Mark Fisher/EWC/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Re: Curtail200206.db Question Hi Mark, The message at 10:47 says the the computer was rebooted at that time. That is about the only way that I know of that this message would be recorded. When the TrbCurtail Service is started it does not remember what turbines were curtailed. It waits 10-minutes after starting before issuing any commands to calculate a 10-minute average. After the 10 minute startup wait, the first command output from this program would have released all turbines that were currently curtailed, and curtailed new turbines as needed to keep the 10-minute average MW output at the curtailment setpoint. So at 10:57 any turbines that were curtailed before that time would have been released. The curtailment log file Visupro creates at the turbine should be able to verify this if needed . Database: System Index Number Date/Time Msg 10843 840006029 6/19/02 10:36 Energy curtailed -< Turbine curtailed 10847 840006250 6/19/02 10:47 TrbCurtail Service Started -< Computer rebooted 10855 840006029 6/19/02 10:47 Turbine Com Established -< Com established to turbine Joe Mark Fisher 07/09/2002 03:07 PM To: Joe Chapman/EWC/Enron@ENRON cc: Jeff Duff/EWC/Enron@ENRON Subject: Curtail200206.db Question Joe, Attached is the Curtail200206.db file. I have a question about a sequence of events. For turbine 840006029 on June 19th the turbine is "Energy curtailed" (Index = 10843), THEN it has the message "Turbine Com Established" (Index = 10855). Then there are no other messages (for that turbine) until a "Energy curtailed" message (Index = 11134). Is there anything I can assume about the time between the curtailment messages? For example, was the turbine uncurtailed when the com established message was recorded? Or are did the turbine become uncurtailed and no message was recorded? Thanks, Mark