Enron Mail

To:mary.fischer@enron.com, todd.richards@enron.com
Subject:FW: EES revenues by city
Cc:mark.ng@enron.com, kathleen.ashton@enron.com, michelle.merritt@enron.com,facundo.caminos@enron.com
Bcc:mark.ng@enron.com, kathleen.ashton@enron.com, michelle.merritt@enron.com,facundo.caminos@enron.com
Date:Tue, 18 Sep 2001 12:46:46 -0700 (PDT)

Please note the following regarding asking for by-city source of income as part of the year-end request effort. The companies mentioned below appear to be fall into Todd's area of responsibility. Thanks, John.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee, Patricia
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 1:58 PM
To: Seelig, Sally; Swafford, John; Laird, Richard; Fischer, Mary; Husser, Shanna
Cc: Tapia, Sandra; Hrna, Sandra
Subject: EES revenues by city

I spoke with Sandra Tapia(TT) about the revenues by city request. She asked that we provide them with a more timely request as part of the year-end request effort. We need to ask them to gather the by city information for all EES states where by-city filing is a requirement. This should be done in February after the year-end information has been finalized and they have filed their transaction tax reports for year-end.

This would impact all EES entities with physical gas and power sales - from memory these would include 985, 986, 20Q, 20R, 890 and 1J2. The state include, but may not be limited to, Ohio, New York and Kentucky.

Please make sure that the person responsible for these entities includes this in their CB effort and this note in their year-end file.

