Enron Mail

Subject:Capabilities Memo
Cc:dave.schulgen@enron.com, benjamin.bell@enron.com
Bcc:dave.schulgen@enron.com, benjamin.bell@enron.com
Date:Thu, 25 Apr 2002 06:46:00 -0700 (PDT)


This e-mail is intended to describe our existing and potential capabilities
with respect to turbine performance analysis. Using existing SCADA data we
presently have the ability to perform both optimization and diagnostics for
turbine performance. In the future, we can develop our capability to move
into preventative repairs and maintenance. If we make changes to the type of
SCADA data we collect we can become more aggressive in our turbine
performance preventative modeling and characterization.

Some examples of our current capabilities include:

1. Yaw Activity Report: This report is prepared and sent to each of the 750
kW sites on a monthly basis. Although yaw activity does not affect either
availability or power curve (contractual items), it is critical to production
as slight variations in yaw activity can result in big production variances.

The purpose of this report is to identify, at a glance, the turbines which
are experiencing excessive yaw activity relative to their neighbors. We
present this information graphically with an average (solid green line) and 2
standard deviations (dashed green line) to quickly identify turbines which
are yawing more than 2 standard deviations from the average. Any turbine
which is either yawing zero hours, or in excess of two standard deviations,
should be inspected by the field personnel for turbine defects or SCADA
system defects.

This example is for LB2, March 2002 node 1.

2. SCADA Power Transducer Report: This report is prepared and sent to each
of the 750 kW sites on a quarterly basis. This report compares the SCADA kWh
reading to the glass meter energy reading and looks for differences of 2.5%.
When a difference of 2.5% is detected the particular turbine is clearly
identified in a table for additional field troubleshooting.

Although the site gets paid based on the substation glass meter readings, the
SCADA kWh meter readings are very important since these are what the customer
and operators see when they pull production information into SCADA. To
facilitate a good basis for decision making, and to support the integrity of
the SCADA system, it is important to ensure the meter readings are as
accurate as possible.

This example is for SL2, Q4 2001

Please note that the decision not to put pad mounted glass meters on the 1.5
MW WTGs makes this analysis impossible for the 1.5 MW WTG. However, we (the
Engineering Power Performance Group) can (and has) put a high precision
transducer in parallel with the SCADA kWh transducer on the 1.5 MW WTG and
discovered the SCADA transducer to be within 1%.

3. SPC Analytic: This report is under development but will be completed
either this week or next week. We are capable of generating, and
distributing, this report as frequently as is needed. Our intention is to
produce this report either weekly (when the new data arrives and is uploaded)
or monthly, whichever, is preferred.

This analytic is written for the 750 kW WTG but we are also preparing a 1.5
MW WTG version. This particular report calculates an average (green solid
line) and a 2 standard deviation line (dashed green line) for the following
parameters: kW, nacelle mounted wind speed, generator rpm, hub rpm, blade
pitch, ambient temperature, gearbox temperature, generator temperature,
hydraulic oil temperature, hydraulic oil pressure #1, hydraulic pressure #2,
AC Mains voltage, AC Mains current phase A, AC Mains current phase B, AC
Mains phase C, AC Mains frequency, Op hours, Available hours, Line hours, EPC
hours, Generator hours, Hydraulic hours, Yaw hours, and kW hours. As can be
seen here, we have the analytic working but we are completing the process so
our clerical staff can both generate and distribute the report.

This particular example is for Cabazon for the month of February 2002.

4. Non-Routine report: We provide a number of non-routine reports for both
diagnostic and proof of concept purposes. I have attached two examples here
to illustrate these types of reports but basically we are capable of applying
complex statistical and mathematical formulas to turbine performance, and
other, data to answer very practical questions.

This example is a request that came from Engineering and Asset Management to
determine the suitability for installation of Ride Through kits. This
example demonstrates some of the advanced statistical methodologies we have
available for application to employ on behalf of other EWC, or customer,

This next example was prepared for the Engineering Department in their
efforts to understand the blade pitch problem. Engineering suspected a
correlation between vibration faults and improper blade pitch so we prepared
a graph which displayed the total number of vibration and blade asymmetry
faults. The results were provided to Engineering within 24 hours of the

5. Owner Reports: We prepare performance reports for each of our sites on a
monthly basis. These reports supply the turbine performance information
needed to fulfill contractual obligations for performance reporting.
Included here are examples for both a 1.5 MW WTG site (Trent) and a 750 kW
site (SL2).

6. Future Report: As we complete the SPC analytic we will turn our
attention to development of a power curve report. This report will be
produced on a quarterly basis and will detect degradation in the power curve
over time. The specification for this report has been developed and will
compare relative power curves for both the 750 and 1.5 turbines. The basis
for the report will be a power curve which is displayed graphically, on a
turbine by turbine basis, for the same quarter from previous years. In other
words, for the first quarter in 2002 the graph will include Q1 from 1999,
2000, 2001 and 2002. The second quarter graph will include Q2 from 1999,
2000, 2001 and 2002.

The reason for assigning the Quarters this way is to control for changes in
atmospheric conditions (i.e. density, relative humidity, wind, etc) and
isolate long term turbine performance. With this report we should be able
to identify problem turbines and take remedial action resulting in increased

The report examples so far have all been illustrative of our ability to
provide diagnostic and optimization information to the field, customers and
other internal organizations. We have a great potential to move beyond these
levels of reporting into predictive and preventative maintenance situations.
Here are several examples of what might be possible if we changed some of our
processes or strategies:

1. Without modifying the existing SCADA system we currently have the ability
to evaluate numbers of cycles of various pieces of equipment and compare that
to failure data to predict component failure. However, our current
development/construction/operations process resulted in incomplete data sets
for the 1.5 MW WTG so we cannot fully bring this ability to bear. A great
example of this is the blade failures at Trent Mesa where some of the blades
seem to be cracking and failing prematurely. If the presumption is made that
the failure is related to load cycles (reasonable), and those load cycles are
not thermally based (also reasonable), then we could have compared the cycles
and predicted which blade set was at the highest risk of failing next. Armed
with this information, we could direct our field crews straight to the
pertinent turbines to conduct inspections and possibly do repairs before a
failure occurred.

If we want to have this capability in the future, we must ensure that SCADA
is operational when the WTG is operational and that we collect, and store,
the data from the time the turbine commences operation.

2. If we are willing to add vibration monitoring equipment, such as
accelerometers, to critical bearings and rotating equipment we should be able
to predict the time to failure for these components. Having this ability
would enable us to avoid consequential damage to other components and also
allow us to pick a convenient time for a scheduled outage to conduct
repairs. Having a methodology such as this would also enable us to service,
or replace, components as the component came to the end of life versus
maintaining a maintenance schedule which replaces components on a calendar
schedule (i.e not the actual end of component life).

This would require both a modification to the turbine (additional
transducers) and to the SCADA system.

3. If we were to engage a Reliability Engineering function in our company we
would be able to develop a much more advanced ability to engage in predictive
and preventative maintenance. To the best of my knowledge we do not have
anyone within EWC performing this role.

I have not provided an exhaustive list of our capabilities. Rather my
intention has been to equip you with knowledge and understanding of what we
are capable of today, and some of the possibilities for tomorrow. Please let
me know if you would like additional information or examples or whether you
have any questions.

Best Regards,