Enron Mail

Subject:Conversation with Gary
Date:Tue, 4 Jun 2002 02:16:00 -0700 (PDT)

This is the last email I have that gives insight into what Gary Verkleeren is
thinking or assuming about 1.5 availability.
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark V Walker/EWC/Enron on 06/04/2002
09:32 AM ---------------------------

Joe Thorpe
05/29/2002 04:16 PM
To: Mark V Walker/EWC/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Conversation with Gary

---------------------- Forwarded by Joe Thorpe/EWC/Enron on 05/29/2002 07:36
PM ---------------------------

Joe Thorpe
05/29/2002 04:03 PM
To: Kurt Anderson/EWC/Enron@ENRON
cc: Dave Schulgen/EWC/Enron@ENRON, John Nemila/EWC/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Conversation with Gary

As a follow up on our phone conversation, here are the main points that were
covered in the meeting with Gary. Please let me know if there are any

Gary was unable to find any information in the TSIA that outlined the
procedure that we currently use to record maintenance time of 4 hours per
month instead of recording the time as it is used. Gary had a conversation
with Mike Kelly whom assured him that this has not been done in the past and
seems to be an incorrect way to report the maintenance time. Gary also stated
that this would lead to error in availability in months were there were 28
days in the month compared to a month with 31 days

Mark Howller & Mike Kelly have also conveyed to Gary that using 10 min data
to calculate estimated power production and availability was an industry
standard. In an attempt to complete the sale of the site, Zilkha has been
asked to provide 10 minute data to their potential customers. Grays questions
is why are we not using the 10 minute data files to calculate our

Gary also wanted to know how the Mon.db file could be more accurate then the
Minana.db file, if the Mon.db file is taking samples from other files, and
the other files have missing data like the Minana.db does. He also wanted to
know how the Mon.db file could be verified if there happened to be a mistake
as there appears to be on turbine 9 for the month of April. Where is the raw
data proving the numbers in the Mon.db file.

We also discussed the faults on turbine 4 for the month of April. Gary stated
that the faults he outlined in his letter came from the errordev.db file. He
was unaware of the state of the turbine at the time of the faults or if they
contributed to down time or not. I am researching this and will inform you as
soon as I know.

Gary also per warned me of an Email that is planning to go out to Mike
Miller. The letter states that over the past 6 months our turbines have
performed poorly, and we have attempted to mislead them by over stating out
availability. We have also misstated the amount of parts used on site and we
have not explained problems to Zilkha, that we are experiencing with our
turbines. He also states that we have not provided maintenance's to our
turbines in the last 7 months.