Enron Mail

To:bo.thisted@enron.com, george.griese@enron.com, mark.walker@enron.com,mark.fisher@enron.com
Subject:March Curtailment
Date:Tue, 9 Apr 2002 01:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

I assume that Ward's note below means that we will receive a call very soon
from someone looking for the curtailment numbers for March. We have the raw
data from George, how soon can we have the Kwh numbers?
---------------------- Forwarded by Kurt Anderson/EWC/Enron on 04/09/2002
08:20 AM ---------------------------

wcmarshall@aep.com on 04/09/2002 05:40:23 AM
To: fhsalas@aep.com
cc: bmgivens@aep.com, Kurt.Anderson@enron.com

Subject: March Curtailment

Can you please work with Kurt Anderson and Ben Givens to get the most
accurate estimate of March Curtailment by the end of the day? Kurt's phone
number is (661)823-6886. ?He is in California. Ben's number is (915)862-0032
office and (915)338-8180 cell.Ward C. MarshallDirector, Business
DevelopmentAEP Energy Services, Inc.Office (614) 583-6607Fax ? ? (614)
583-1627Cell ? ? (614) 736-6022Mailing Address:PO Box 16036Columbus, OH
43216-0036Physical Address:155 W. Nationwide Blvd.Columbus, OH 43215 -----
Forwarded by Ward C Marshall/AEPIN on 04/09/02 08:35 AM -----

04/08/02 06:16 PM ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? To: ? ? ? ?wcmarshall@aep.com ? ? ? ? cc:
? ? ? ?Bo.Thisted@enron.com, George.Griese@enron.com ? ? ? ? Subject: ? ? ? ?
Ward,Attached is the curtailment data for Clear Sky, I anticipate that we
willhave the wind data for March very soon.Please call if I can be of further
assistance.RegardsKurt(See attached file: feb. curtailments.xls)(See attached
file: jan.curtailments.xls)(See attached file:
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Thank you.
- feb. curtailments.xls
- jan. curtailments.xls
- March.Curtailment.xls