Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Feb Curtailment, cont'd
Date:Thu, 20 Jun 2002 00:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Jeff Duff/EWC/Enron on 06/20/2002 07:29
AM ---------------------------

Kurt Anderson
06/19/2002 05:28 PM
To: Jeff Duff/EWC/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: Feb Curtailment, cont'd

---------------------- Forwarded by Kurt Anderson/EWC/Enron on 06/19/2002
05:43 PM ---------------------------

wcmarshall@aep.com on 06/19/2002 12:49:04 PM
To: peter.simpson@garradhassan.co.uk, keir.harman@garradhassan.co.uk,
cc: jfgodfrey@aep.com

Subject: Re: Feb Curtailment, cont'd

David has compared the ERCOT production data with the 10 min SCADA data. ?See
the results below.

Ward C. Marshall
Director, Business Development
AEP Energy Services, Inc.

Office (614) 583-6607
Fax ? ? (614) 583-1627
Cell ? ? (614) 736-6022

Mailing Address:
PO Box 16036
Columbus, OH 43216-0036

Physical Address:
155 W. Nationwide Blvd.
Suite 500
Columbus, OH 43215
----- Forwarded by Ward C Marshall/AEPIN on 06/19/2002 03:45 PM -----

David F Matson <dfmatson@attbi.com<

06/19/2002 02:46 PM
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? To: ? ? ? ?wcmarshall@aep.com
? ? ? ? cc: ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? Subject: ? ? ? ?Re: Feb Curtailment, cont'd

I have added a tab on the previous file (attached here), with 15-minute
intervals, from the ERCOT data. ?If you check the tab with the total of
each curtailment period, you will see numbers similar to the 10-minute
data, and a total at the bottom of the table that is roughly the same.
What does this mean? ?I suppose it shows that the 10-min data was as
accurate as the 15-min data, and that the innaccuracies come from some
other source, such as log entries, which turbines were actually
curtailed, etc. ?I noticed at least a couple of time when the number of
turbines listed in the outage table does not match the list of
individual turbines, and when the number of hours does not match the
start and end times of the curtailed periods.
I think this at least answers one of the questions about which data set
can be used.
I'm hopeful that looking at each hour of both techniques shows a small
difference over the whole month will prove to be useful.

David F. Matson
Consulting Meteorologist ? ? ?
1650 Saint Lawrence Way
Pleasant Hill, CA ?94523
925-933-7505 (voice & fax)

- CURTAIL-Feb2002-temp.xls