Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Trent ATP
Cc:ronald.brzezinski@enron.com, kevin.cousineau@enron.com,patricia.hunter@enron.com
Bcc:ronald.brzezinski@enron.com, kevin.cousineau@enron.com,patricia.hunter@enron.com
Date:Tue, 16 Apr 2002 23:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Mark,
I checked the production graphs for the SCADA ATP at trent, and I can see
couple of turbines missing, turbine no. 73 & 98, I understand that I
downloaded the data from the wrong turbine for 98 but I don't know what is
wrong with turbine 73. I checked the data in the minana.db and statdat.db
files, for turbine 73 couple of times and I believe that all the data is
there, I am attaching these files again so you can check them once more.
As for turbine 98, I apologize for the silly mistake of downloading the files
from the wrong turbine, please find attached the files which I downloaded
this morning, all the 144 records for the 10-min average still exist in the
minana.db file.