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[IMAGE]=09 Dear Amazon.com Customer, The holidays are almost here, and we've p= ut together some great deals just in time for holiday shopping--such as fr= ee shipping on your Amazon.com orders of $99 or more. And for even more= opportunities to save, don't miss out on the following special offers fro= m our partners and around our store: [IMAGE] Discover the one-stop so= urce for everything you need in travel--the Amazon.com Travel Store, with= our trusted partner Expedia.com. Right now, you can visit San Francisco, = Las Vegas, Boston, or 40 other major cities and save up to 70% on premier = hotels such as the Hyatt, Sheraton, Hilton, and more.* [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Sa= ve up to 70% on premier hotels [IMAGE] gap.com has a gift for you: $= 10 off when you spend $75 or more. Now's the perfect time to find great hol= iday gifts at gap.com, gapkids.com, and babygap.com. To redeem your saving= s, just enter the coupon code AMZNMAIL at checkout. (Offer expires Decemb= er 31, 2001.)* [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Save $10 now at gap.com [IMAGE] Shop = the Target store at Amazon.com for the best in holiday gifts, entertainin= g, and decorating for your home this season. Plus, now you can take $15 of= f a $50 holiday d?cor purchase. (Offer expires November 27, 2001.) [IMAGE= ] [IMAGE]Save $15 on holiday d?cor now [IMAGE] Creating your own h= oliday greeting cards is simple, fast, and fun at Amazon.com Photo Service= s, provided by Ofoto. A choice of three card styles and a sleighful of fes= tive designs make it easy to express yourself, and the more cards you buy,= the more you save--up to 25%! [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Get creative with holiday= cards and save up to 25% [IMAGE] Explore audio downloads and get a f= ree Rio 600 MP3 player with a one-year subscription to the BasicListener p= lan, which allows you one audiobook and one monthly subscription program f= or just $12.95 per month. (Free Rio 600 offer expires December 15, 2001.) = [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Get your free MP3 player [IMAGE] America Online an= d Amazon.com have teamed up to offer you a great online service value--1,0= 00 AOL hours free for 45 days. Start using AOL 7.0 today and you'll enjoy = the all-new AOL Radio, built-in high-speed content, seven e-mail addresses= , instant messaging, and lots more.* [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Get 1,000 hours fr= ee at AOL [IMAGE] Downloading e-books is quick and easy at Amazon.co= m--plus, you can download and activate Microsoft Reader 2.0 software for f= ree. Save $5 on your first e-book purchase. Just enter AMZNDGTLNVBR into = the promotional code field at checkout. (Offer expires November 30, 2001.)= [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Download your first e-book and save $5 [IMAGE] Th= e film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring opens in theater= s December 19, but you don't have to wait to explore Middle-earth. Visit o= ur Lord of the Rings Store for 20% to 30% off select items, including book= s, DVDs, toys, and games--plus movie information, showtimes, and more. [IM= AGE] [IMAGE]Save 20-30% on select Lord of the Rings items Search A= mazon.com for: =09 *The fine print: Expedia.com Visit Expedia.com for all terms & condit= ions of the above offer. gap.com Offer valid through December 31, 2001,= at 11:59 p.m. PST. The $75 amount applies to merchandise only. GiftCard p= urchases, packaging, taxes, and shipping and handling do not count toward = the qualifying amount. Not valid for cash. No adjustments on previous purc= hases. Offer is not transferable without consent by gap. Not valid at gap = stores or gap Outlet stores. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Of= fer valid in the U.S. only. If you redeem this offer, gap.com will be able= to determine that you are a customer of Amazon.com and its affiliates. A= OL 1,000 HOUR FREE TRIAL MUST BE USED WITHIN FIRST 45 DAYS OF INITIAL SIGN= -ON. TO AVOID BEING CHARGED A MONTHLY FEE, SIMPLY CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP B= EFORE TRIAL PERIOD ENDS. Premium services carry surcharges, and communicat= ions surcharges may apply, including in Alaska, even during trial time. Me= mbers may incur charges on their telephone bill, depending on their locati= on and calling plan, even during trial time. Offer is available to new mem= bers in the U.S., age 18 or older, and a major credit card or checking acc= ount is required. America Online, AOL, and the Triangle logo are registere= d service marks of America Online, Inc. Windows and Internet Explorer are = trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Other names are trademarks of their respect= ive holders. ? 2001 America Online, Inc. All rights reserved. We hope y= ou enjoyed receiving this message. However, if you'd rather not receive fu= ture e-mails of this sort from Amazon.com, please visit your Amazon.com ac= count page . In the Personal Information box under the Account Settings h= eading, click the "Update your communication preferences" link. =09 Please note that this message was sent to the following e-mail address: = jforney@enron.com[IMAGE] =09