Enron Mail

Subject:RE: what's happening?
Date:Thu, 15 Nov 2001 05:33:13 -0800 (PST)

Anadarko does not currently operate any power plants. Primarily E&P and
related marketing functions (trade gas/crude/ngl's). I have heard of a
project that is beginning that is looking into the prospects of trading
electricity. How soon that may occur is simply a guess. Obviously
there is a substantial amount of hedging activity related to the
gas/crud/ngl's. You can always check the web site to see if there are
other areas you may be interested in. Hope all works out well. Send me
you resume if you wish. Give me a call after Thanksgiving and we can
try to meet at Mollys/Papas one afternoon. Phone numbers:
832-636-7045 (w)
281-298-7860 (h)
Keep in touch, ajt.

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Forney, John M. [SMTP:John.M.Forney@ENRON.com]
< Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:10 PM
< To: Allan Taylo (E-mail)
< Subject: what's happening?
< AJ,
< Thanks for checking in with me. I had a couple of questions:
< Does Anadarko have any power plants or do they trade gas/electricity
< actively? I currently do several things:
< I am the Manager of the real time Power Trading desk. I also manage
< the Ercot Asset book. I trade around a combined cycle gas plant in
< south Texas.
< I am required to trade gas along with the power in order to properly
< hedge the plant.
< I would be interested in continuing in this area.
< Thanks for anything you can tell me about working at Anadarko. I
< could
< send my resume, but if we dont have paralell needs, then I wont
< bother.
< I have some other things that I am working on.
< Thanks again for asking. This company will be fine, but I have
< worked
< 12-14 hours/day for 8+ years. When the stock price is $90, I can
< somewhat justify the hours and lack of life. However, although I
< am
< sure that Enron will bounce back, I am no longer willing to sacrifice
< to make it so.
< I have been consistenly profitable in my time here. I have never
< been
< on a losing team - we have always made major money for the company,
< so
< it is very hard to understand how this whole thing is unwinding.
< Anyway, thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.
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